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Roxie's POV

I drove for hours, jumping from state to state and slept where I could when I could, but I never went against my idea of going before the council. There had to be a reason why there were no other witch/vampire pairings and if what my research told me is true, they are not meant to be together or even if they are then they are feared and need to be dealt with.

Yes, I know I sound like a hateful bitch, but...ah well I am a bitch and I'm not about to let some gothic witch take away my planned life.

"Name and reason for being here." A guard asked me as I pulled up to the fence of the council compound.

"Roxanna Roe and I am here to tell the council of a violation committed by a vampire and a witch." I told the guard and he went over to his booth to call someone before letting me in.

I drove up to the castle and it was huge with old gothic features. It was old and kept having to be fixed or replaced.

A guard opened the door for me and led me out of my car. He showed me into the palace and up to the main ballroom. He led me through the empty, but grand ballroom with high chandeliers and into the office at back of the ballroom.

"Sir, a Miss Roe is here to see you with news regarding the vampire and witch pairing." The guard introduced me to the Head of the Council, Graham Vixens.

"Ah yes, Miss Roe, please take a seat." I nodded to him as I sat down on the other side of his desk. I clasped my hands together on my lap. "I hear you have news for us on this...abnormal pairing."

"Yes, I know exactly who they are."


"Belladonna Aldenta and Dante Nicholai." The head looked up at me with shock and surprise.

"Nicu Nicholai's son?"

"Yes, he has claimed the witch as his own."

"This is interesting." He mumbled. I knew he would go after Belladonna. He would do my job for me.

Belladonna's POV

"Do you know what will happen to Dante and I when we fully mate yet?" I asked Nicu as we got closer and closer to the next full moon. Roxie seems to have disappeared for the last 2 weeks and it has been so peaceful.

"No, I'm sorry. I do have a slight understanding, but nothing definate. It seems that you will both change instead of just you. You two will be more joined than any other mate pairing."

"I guess the only thing we really can do is do it and see what happens."

"You're going to complete it tonight?"

"It's getting too hard to not let him. I've given you as much time as I can, but the need...the feelings are getting way too controlling. I need to get my head back to being straight and the only way is letting my inabitions take over." I told Nicu honestly.

"Just like that?"

"Oh I'm going to get a date out of it." I lightly laughed and Nicu joined in with me. "I want the whole she-bang. Roses, wine, chocolates, a nice meal and then...you know. I know that this won't be my first time with Dante, but it'll be the mating, so I want it to be special, not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am sort of thing." Nicu may be my father-in-law in some respects, but he was like a friend to me.

"I understand and make sure you get your perfect mating."

"Oh I will." I smiled at Nicu before walking out of his office and straight into Dante's arms. I huffed at him for causing me to bash into him and he gave me a sexy smile back. I narrowed my eyes at him and put my hands on my hips. "Eavesdropping were we, my little vampire?"

My Geeky Gothic Love (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن