_22;Will You Marry Me?

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Her feet damp from mud. Never ending path of trees and vegetation. Her footprints hidden under the rain. Her chaser far behind. That didn't mean she would stop though. A branch cracks and she starts to run faster if possible. Her legs just barely able to carry her now. Suddenly another branch cracks and breaks under the predators weight. He is face to face with her now. She waits for his harsh words to repeat again, for his weapon to sink into her flesh.

"Why hello Sakura."

Kakashi rapidly seeks to find the other team. He heard the screams of the women he knew. He ran like he was the one being chased, like he was faced with a murderer. Naruto ran behind him, trying his damnedest to keep up with his sensei. Another scream is heard off in the distance. Naruto hears it too, the shriek of a woman caught. The men stop though to the boot marks indented in the raining ground. So deep not even the rain could wash away it's terror. Naruto gasps and is clutched from behind. Kakashi spins around to find the shocked boy. The blond is nowhere to be seen. Kakashi's breathe heavy and his heart racing. He looks down and sees the boot mark, only now freshly smeared with teenage tennis shoes that defied even the boots presence. Suddenly the man came out and stood in the same marks in front of Kakashi. He stands up to meet the mans face, but his sight was quickly warped with the thud on the back of his head.

You may be asking what just happened. You may be asking who are these men. I can't quiet answer that for just a few hours ago they were all sleeping peacefully. In their snug little beds under the trees, where the rain did not fall.

When Kakashi awoke from his dreary dream of black and blood he found himself tied to a metal bar. His hands behind him and the bar and tied with rope. His legs laying out in front of him had rope at his ankles not allowing them to be separated. Same went for the thighs. He looked around with his bloodied vision and spotted nothing, but a piece of pink hair on the ground beside him.

Sakura still awake since last night still couldn't move much and was sore beyond control. The black haired men talked amongst themselves and looked back at her several times. They spoke in a foreign tongue unknown to her. After a lengthy conversation of gibberish they pick up her useless tied up body. They sat her down by a metal bar. She glances over to warmth by her arm. A mere glance of silver and suddenly she understood who was there and looked back instantly. He smiled cheerfully toward her. Sakura started to cry softly of both sadness and happiness. Kakashi could clearly see with the marks dressing down her that they were not kind to her.

"What did they do to you?" He asked in a pitiful whisper.

Sakura turned away at the question. She did not answer, she couldn't manage it.

"Sakura, please tell me." Kakashi begged.

Kakashi finally got so sick of it he graded his teeth together.

"I swear if those bastards touched you in any way that made you uncomfortable I will snap their fucking necks like twigs!" Kakashi shouted.

Quickly his jester of angry came back down to a frown from before. Sakura was crying again. He fists balled up behind her and hair slowly swaying as she shook her head. Kakashi knew that clearly they had done what he thought, but if so he wouldn't be able to help and comfort her now.

"Sakura, please at least speak to me. I can hear your tears fall to the ground. Your scaring me, please-"

"You think your so high and mighty. You fucking bastard. Why couldn't you just leave me alone and do what any sane human being would do. If you were sane like everyone else you would of took note of this feeling and left, leave immediately. You would of just left and wouldn't care of my feelings."

He was surprised by her speech. He didn't understand it. Not even the dream told Kakashi what was happening now.

"Sakura, what are you-" Kakashi tried again.

"You told them, you think your so great that it didn't matter if others were hurt!"

"God damn-it Sakura, I did nothing of the sort! I only want to love you, why would I try to kill you or simply not care if you lived!"

Sakura's eyes went wide, she believed her captors words. Once again the tears were going about, she had yelled at kakashi.

"I didn't know." She whispered.

"Sakura, they tricked you. You were quick to believe whatever they said, merely for what they had done to you."

She never responded, but he knew she was listening. Now another question had a occurred to him.

"Where are the others Sakura?"

"In... i-in the t-tent."

"Why are you so frightened of those words?"

"T-that's where... They took their turns."

Quickly he once again understood. He leaned his head over to her shoulder to help comfort her.

"Sakura, remember whatever they did it was not your fault. The scars they imbed are merely scars, they are not something left behind by rapists, but from a bad camping trip."

"The others are in there with the alpha."


"The alpha, he's the one that seems to be in control of everything. Their in there with him. He has no weapon and does not do what the others do. He is a well kept one, he continuously goes to check on them and make sure they are OK."

"Did they do what they did to you?"

Completely ignoring his question she had to say something more important.

"I'm p-p-preg-"

"Pregnant, I know. God those fucking dreams won't go away."

"Kakashi, I'm scared."

"I know, this is a scary situation."

"No, about our situation."

"Sakura, once we got back together I was going to ask this of you, but I didn't think it fit now. You've changed my mind."

Kakashi's head shoots off of her shoulder. He shifts his weight and turns toward her. She turns to him and waits for what comes next. Sakura meets his forehead with her own now. He is ready now.

"Will you marry me?"

To Be Continued...

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