_10;The Package

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Sakura the next day merrily walked to school, of course you know why. She made way to his classroom and waved to him and left peaceful. Sadly that wasn't the end of her day, no she was in for a big surprise. Tenten shoved her to the side. Sakura protested all the way until they were alone in the restroom.

"You fucking teachers pet!"tenten's friend temari shouted. (so sorry tenten temari fans, I had to come up with some one to play the bad guy here)

Sakura coward over into the last stall and shut locking the door. She heard the girls laugh before chucking a condom over the door.

"This is for your sensei. Make sure to use it, don't want a mistaken pregnancy!"

Sakura cried for a few seconds, why would she cry though, after all this was these girls normal MO. Torture poor little sakura as she made way through a normal everyday life. Lucky sakura she had a while tell first hour, left early for kakashi. She stayed in that stall for 20 minutes thinking about her and the sensei. Although that didn't mean kakashi wasn't looking for her. He searched high and low, until he found her regular female bullies.

"Wheres sakura?"he asked. The girls stopped in their tracks and turned slowly to face him.

"Um... maybe she's in the restroom"temari obliged. He nodded sending them on their way.

He walked to the restrooms waiting outside for sakura, 20 minutes passed. He resulted to calling into the door making sure she was alive.

"Sakura, you in there?"

She stopped from her pondering and flung her head up, she couldn't tell him what happened, what if he got mad. This was to personal, she's never faced the life of "(relationships)"before. He could here some heavy breathing, but no sign of a healthy person.

"If no one answers I'll just have to come in there."

"I'm fine, just go away you sick pervert"she mumbled.

"Sakura you sure your OK?"

"I said go away."

"No, not until I get a straight answer from you."

He stepped in quietly making sure she wouldn't jump out and leap on him, although, no this wasn't the time for dirty jokes. He stopped in front of her stall and could see her feet were clearly up in a fetal position. He could also see the the silver package on the floor left by the girls and his name finely written in tenten's handwriting on the covering. Oh sakura he thought why'd I have to get you in situation like this?

"Sakura, I can see the... package on the floor. I'm sorry what those girls did to you."

"Nothing to be sorry about." That caught him off guard, wait what was what he was thinking. "It was just a miserable attempt to make me cry again."

"Sakura you don't have to act tough, this a situation worth acting dramatic upon."

"No, no it isn't. If it was one of those times it have to be the time when they cut my hair forcibly."

"Yeah I heard about that, like I said your aloud to act dramatically about this. Especially in a way like this."

"Their taunting me that's all. If they really wanted to screw with me they would of done something worse."

"Sakura, you don't sound like your OK."

"How would you know."

"Because I know when wom- I mean females are upset."

"Wow that's hard to believe."

"Not really when you think about it"he stated while leaning against the stall door.

"How is that."

"Well I nearly become a husband."


"Yeah, her name was Misaki Ichigo. Sweet gentle and couldn't harm a fly, we were going to get married in October. Her parents were so excited and happy. Last day I saw her was the night before she died last year September 8th, in a car accident. The last thing I told her was"don't be foolish, be strong." The cause of the accident of drunk driving. That's why to this day I don't drink, that and the hangovers." He said it all so teasingly, like it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Why are you so relaxed with it?"

"I moved on, don't get me wrong. I loved her to the bottom of my heart, I just couldn't see being so miserable when I could be happy in remembrance of her."


"Yeah, now will you come out of there before I caught in the ladies room."


Sakura stood up carefully stepping over the "package" and opened the door. He stood there with open arms of some sort. She rolled her eyes, that incident in the bathroom caused her to learn even more about him. She would forever thank those girls in her mind.

OK lets make this clear, I did not come up with this. Why would I, it makes me sick at the thought of the "package". My friend came up with the idea and "package"part. I did the rest. So make this clear, I would never expose you people willingly to this kind of stuff.(slight green shade)

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