_12;Fatal Shot

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Kakashi fell to his knees. His hand trying to stop the stream of crimson blood that spilled from his abdomen. Did not now his real danger he pulled his hand away to look at the fluid. His vision was beginning to blur, his body in a state of unsure fear. He felt weak, like there was nothing he could do and he was correct. By the time he could he call out to his students he fell unconscious. His blood draining his body, he hand no idea that he was just shot. The more courageous of students went to see what the noise was. That's when they found kakashi lay unmoving in front of them. The others barricaded their fear and stepped to the plate as well. The stupidity of the most actually gave the bet instructions of them all and the others took heed of his orders. They dragged him inside and tried everything to stop his bleeding. One took his shirt off and tied it to his wound, pressure he told the others. Kakashi was in a boat load of trouble now.

Sakura heard the third shot, it echoed and then it hit a thud of a body. It's victim no doubt would overcome it's attack with fear. She stepped back into the room shutting and locking the door. She pressed her back against them and slid down, what was she to do. Sakura could not, but help feel that some one precious to her was on the verge of death. Someone she couldn't live without, someone important. She looked over to the counter where gai hid on the floor, wasn't him. She walked back over to the frightened gai and sat down. Her arm once again patting his back for emotional support. The reality of this was really starting to kick in.

"Hurry we need to do something"a girl stated, while holding kakashi's hand. If only he was awake, perfect moment for a sarcastic, dirty, joke.

The others all looked around to each other, awkward silence. Kakashi looked like a drunken man on the edge of a heart attack over on the floor. His eyes opened slightly and he awoke to a girl staring deep into his soul. He still couldn't see clearly, he's lost a lot of blood OK. He glanced once again at the girl, not realizing her true identity only thinking of one thing.

"Sakura"he mumbled.

The girl looked back to the group, what was he talking about? he eyes asked. They all shrugged and she looked back at him.

"I'm Elizabeth kakashi-sempai"she stated.

He immediately pulled his hand back at the name, that pissed him off. He wanted sakura-san not this gossip girl. The others lay their frigged eyes upon him as he bled all of the energy he had left. He fell back into the silent sleep and the girl started freaking out.

"Whats wrong with him? Who's sakura? Why'd he get shot?"she shouted with uncertain feelings about it all.

Back with sakura, she stood shaking when the man came to the door. He could see her and gai and told them to come closer to the door. She trembled, what the hell was going on. He ordered them to open the door and they heeded his commands. He stepped in and grabbed sakura's arm in examination. He made a few disgruntled looks before throwing it back to her body. He held the small shotgun to his chin and thought for a second. The scruffy beard, the old matted hair and hiking boots showed now superiority, just a old creep. He looked back at sakura with a grin before leaving, she knew what that meant, that bastard.

"Lock down is over everybody, all injuries report to the nurse immediately"the intercom blurted.

Sakura ran for kakashi's room, she was scared out of her mind. She wanted his comfort, even if most of it was awkward silence. Sakura saw the blood as she stopped, she knew something was up. After stepping in his body fluids she knocked on the door. No answer was heard so she pushed it in, there she found more blood. Just one student laid where he was, just one.

"Where is he?"she asked.

"Nurses office, I don't he's gonna make it"the male student replied. She went directly as the boy said.


I don't want to lose you now, I've only knew you for such a little time. No kakashi, you will not die on me now. I know how you feel, I know your pain, let me comfort you. Please kakashi, don't die here, don't die in a place like this. I want you to die a proud death, unlike your lover. Don't do this to me, I need you.

We are all like paper. Someone will force a crease in our life, but we bounce back. We may bounce back to our normal ordinary life, but that crease will always be there. You can try to force it out, but that won't work. You must embrace the crease and accept it. No matter how we try even if the cause for the crease is gone we will always think of it. It will stay in the back of our minds tell death do us part. The crease will be a part of us, even if we try to forget.

Kakashi opened his eyes to a ambulance, was it really that serious? He was being packed into it like a sardine and all his student watched in horror with his blood on their hands. Was this really going to be the end, was he going to die. He certainly didn't know, but what he was certain of though is that he wanted to know if sakura was OK. The ambulance drove off and left everything behind. Kakashi gazed out of a small window, this was his time. He closed his eyes wanting to be asleep when it happened. Nothing came and neither did he stay awake.

Love is flimsy, unpredictable. We hate it and we want it. One emotion that can force choices and decisions, why do we like it then? We like it, because it I hard to get, we are challenging beings that seek only more work for ourselves. This why we seek that emotion, that annoying emotion. It is flaky and hard to gain and that is why we need it. If everything in our life's were perfect we would be boring.

So tired, want to sleep, goodnight.

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