Chapter 24: Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

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Ethan carried me all the way up to our room, kicking the door shut with the heel of his foot. He laid us both down onto our fluffy king sized bed and just stared intensely into my eyes. We were both still somewhat damp from the hot tub, but who cares?

"You don't know how happy you just made me." He murmured as he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck placing the gentlest of kisses there, while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Did you really get my parents and Aunt Elisha's blessings?" I asked curiously as I ran my fingers across his muscled back and shoulders. I wasn't sure if he was being serious or kidding. Either way, my parents seemed to really like him alot after meeting him, so I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem.

"Well, I spoke to Elisha first and asked her what she thought...she said 'go for it kid'." He chuckled softly as he began kissing his way up my neck causing me to shiver with need. "So that's when I decided to call your parents and ask them."

"When did you have time to call them?" I asked baffled. We've been joined at the hip since Thanksgiving, when the heck did he have time to call them?

"When you were in the shower." He smiled against my cheek. "I told them I how feel about you and asked them if they'd mind if you started staying with me...permanently."

"What'd they say?" I asked pulling back slightly to look him in the eyes.

His brown eyes sparkled with excitement. "Your mom was ecstatic, she said she worries about you staying at the house all alone...especially now since you and Zac have been fighting." His voice wavered slightly knowing the whole Zac issue was a touchy subject. "She even offered for me to move in with you, if you didn't want to come stay at mine." He grinned at me happily. "Dad, however..didn't sound too excited, he told me if I hurt you...he'll hunt me down and break both of my legs, but other than that he was ok with it."

I giggled at the thought of my dad chasing Ethan down...typical protective dad.

"Sooo." Ethan whispered against my lips. "I was thinking of staying with you over at your place until you graduate, then you can move in with me." He said, again brushing his lips so softly against mine while gazing at me intensely. "What do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea." I smiled and nodded my head in agreement, while I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his lips down to mine.

A soft moan escaped in the back of his throat as I opened my mouth a little wider so that our tongues could taste one another.

As if on cue my legs wrapped around him as if to pull him even closer, our bodies flushed against one another. Ethan began trailing his fingertips from my hips all the way up my sides, making me shiver with need for him.

He began grinding up against me, causing me to pant out, "Mmm Ethan" and bite down playfully onto the tip of his ear. His tongue running a fiery trail down my neck.

"I love you Mikaila." Ethan murmured softly into my ear, his voice was deep and seductive.

"I love you too." I breathed out as my whole body tingled with excitement. "Make love to me Ethan." I requested tugging at his hair as Ethan's whole body seemed to go stiff. He stopped moving against me. What happened? Did I say something wrong?

Before I knew what was happening Ethan was up on all fours, kneeling in front of me while he gazed down intensely into my eyes. "As much as I really want to make love to you and trust me I do want to...I really think we should wait." He admitted to me looking a little usure of himself. "We have all the time in the world love, there's no need to rush."

I pouted at him, what a tease! Got me all hot and riled up and he's making me wait?!? You'd think I wasn't a virgin the way my thoughts were going at this point, but there was just something so special about him.

"Aww, please don't give me that look love." He said staring at me, like he was going to give in just by the look I was giving him. "At least allow me to make your first time special for you...ok?"

His gaze was so intense, he was just too damn sexy! Who could say no to a face like that.

"Ok, fine." I answered him unwillingly and sat up to peck him quickly on the lips. Scooting off the bed, I walked towards the bathroom."I'm going to take a shower." I called over my shoulder.

"You're not mad at me love...are you?" He stood off the bed with a concerned look across his face and came up behind me.

"No baby, I'm not mad." I stated, turning around to face him. "I know you just want what's best. That's what makes you so great." I grinned, patting him on the chest and kissed him once more before going into the bathroom and taking nice refreshing shower.

The next couple days consisted of the group breaking up and going off to do their own thing. Ethan taught me how to ski. Bless his soul for being so patient with me.

I decided I didn't care much for skiing, I liked snowboarding better. Trying to balance on one board seemed so much more simple than trying to get both legs to go the same way without doing a complete split!

We even went ziplining again, I was surprised I was having such a great time at trying new things.

All the while, Zac still avoided me like the plague. He went off and hung out with the guys alot. I caught him staring at me a few times during dinner, but other than that I hardly saw him.

It was Friday night before we knew it, so we decided to party it up at the cabin before we had to go home on Saturday. Ethan, Aiden, Chad, and AJ were currently out at the liquor store stocking up. It was nice to legally be able to purchase alcohol since Ethan and AJ are 21.

I was standing in the kitchen with Reese putting marshmallows on skewers...may as well make use of the fireplace. We were planning on roasting marshmallows and making smores.

"Soooo, a little birdy overheard a secret." Reese whispered under her breath to me as she stabbed the tip of a skewer onto two marshmallows.

"Oh yea? And what secret would that be?" My eyebrows raised up in question as I leaned over and playfully bumped shoulders with her.

"Well, I heard Zac and Chad talking today on the slopes when we went skiing." Her blue eyes shined brightly as she turned to face me with a smirk on her face. "They didn't realize I was standing close enough to hear everything."

"Oook, so what'd you hear." I shook my head as if to signal her to spit out the juicy gossip.

"Hmm, I'm not so sure I should tell you." Reese joked while tapping the side of a skewer to her chin.

"So help me...if you don't tell me now, it'll be death by marshmallows for you!" I threatened her while holding up a handful of marshmallows, ready to shove them down her throat.

She laughed loudly before putting her hands up to surrender. "Ok...ok....I overheard Chad telling Zac that he really needs to stop being so hardheaded and just talk to you. That ignoring and pushing you away was only making the situation worse."

"What'd Zac say?" I asked curiously, stopping what I was doing and giving her my full attention.

"Zac told Chad that he really misses you...he also said he wants to fix things, but doesn't know how. That things just seemed to get out of hand." She looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "Chad told him to just talk to you. I mean, if he at least tries to make an effort you will talk to him won't you Kaila?"

He misses me? Well, he sure did have a weird way of showing ignoring me and doing things to piss me off even more!

"Umm, yea I'd talk to him." I answered solemnly, I had a gut feeling that he wouldn't try and fix least not anytime soon. This is the longest he's gone without talking to me and the damage was already done. Even if we made up, things wouldn't ever be the same between us. 

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