Chapter 17: The Weekend

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"Piping hot pizza's here!" AJ called in the worst impersonation of an Italian accent I've ever heard as he and Reese came in grinning from ear to ear.

I was still clutching onto Ethan as if my life depended on it, too shocked at what occurred minutes prior to even move a muscle.

"Everything ok here?" Reese asked concerned as she approached us. I couldn't see her expression, my face was buried into Ethan's chest. "Kaila? Are you alright?"

I shook my head slightly from side to side peeling my face away from Ethan's chest to glance over at Reese who stared back at me with concerned eyes. I looked up into his understanding eyes, the corners of Ethan's lips turned up slightly into a small reassuring smile.

"Hey AJ, come help me find some plates in the kitchen." Ethan said as he pulled away from me, but not before kissing me on the forehead. I was thankful for him understanding that Reese and I wanted some privacy to talk about what happened.

"Umm, yea sure thing." AJ agreed as he set the pizza's down onto the coffee table and made his way into the kitchen right behind Ethan. He must've sensed something was wrong.

"What happened Kaila? Did you and Ethan get into an argument?" Reese asked pulling me by the arm to sit down next to her on the sofa. Her normally straight blond hair was flowing down in waves from being pulled out of her ponytail. She wrapped her arm protectively around my shoulder pulling me closer to her. "Are you ok?"

"No..." My voice sounded hoarse from crying and screaming earlier, so I cleared my throat and tried again. "No...we didn't get into an argument. Zac came over and caught us making out on the sofa. He blew up on us, said that Ethan was only after one thing and that he was taking advantage of me." I began crying again. "I chose Ethan over him, this is the worst fight we've ever had. I think it's over for good this time...ya know...our friendship I meant."

"Kaila don't say that, I know Zac wouldn't be stupid enough to give up 17 years of friendship over one stupid fight. Especially not when he was in the wrong." Reese said reassuringly as she squeezed my shoulder gently. "You know guys with their manly pride. Just give him time to get over it'll be fine, you'll see." She jumped up abruptly and looked down at me. "Now I won't sit back and watch you throw yourself a pity party. Our boyfriends are here and we're going to have the great weekend we planned on having before any of this happened...ok?" She smiled widely.

"Ok." I agreed with Reese, hoping she was right and that Zac would get over it eventually. Maybe he just needs to see that Ethan is the real deal in order to stop acting so overprotective.

I decided I wasted too much time and tears on things that just seemed out of my control. What I needed to seriously be doing was enjoying every minute with my hot, sweet, caring boyfriend.

Walking into the kitchen I saw Ethan holding plates in his hand leaning with his elbows on the island with his back to me. AJ stood against the counter on the other side facing him and they seemed to be discussing something.

The only thing I caught was Ethan saying, "I really care about her alot and I'd never do anything to hurt her ever..."

I walked up behind Ethan and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Aww and just how much do you care about me?" I asked playfully.

AJ chuckled and slapped me a high five as he grabbed the plates from Ethan and walked out to the living room.

Ethan turned around to face me looking somewhat embarrassed. "More than you can ever imagine." He said biting down sexily on his bottom lip as his face became very serious. "I would never ever dream of hurting you Mikaila, you know that right?" He asked making sure I understood.

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