Chapter 13: The Morning After

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I awoke the next morning in a strange room with a slight headache. Looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand it read 11:15AM.

 As I sat up I noticed I was wearing someone else's t-shirt...Ohhhh god...had I gotten that piss drunk at the club and ended up going home with some stranger? I tried my hardest to remember as I frantically ran my hands through my hair.

The last thing I could remember was taking numerous shots of alien secretions with the gang...then everything else after that was a bit hazy.

Feeling the bed shift slightly, I looked over in horror at a guy laying in bed next to me with no shirt on. I didn't recognize him from behind, he had dark hair and was sleeping face down with his muscular arm still draped around my midsection.

Lifting the comforter slowly, I looked down and could see that i still had my panties on...which was a good sign. I tried inconspicuously to remove his arm from around me, but it only caused him to hold on tighter.

"Mmm...Good morning love, not trying to leave me yet are you?' That beautiful french accent chimed while he looked over and grinned at me.

A feeling of relief washed through me as I saw Ethan's gorgeous familiar face and all the memories of last night came flooding back to me. "No handsome, just needed to use the bathroom." I lied smoothly as I leaned forward kissing him on the head.

"It's the door to the left. We each have an en-suite bathroom." He answered flipping onto his side to face me.

While in the bathroom I decided to take a shower, I looked and felt like crap. I had no clothes and I sure as hell wasn't going to put on the same panties I had on last night. I'd have to borrow some clothes from Ethan.

I took a nice hot shower and relished in the fact that I now smelled like Ethan. I wrapped myself up tightly in a towel before making my way back into his room. He was still laying in bed looking up at the ceiling as if he were thinking about something.

His eyes bugged out when he saw me standing there in only a towel. "Sorry I was in desperate need of a shower." I admitted while blushing slightly at his intense glare.

"'t apologize. I was just surprised you didn't mind using my manly products...seeing as you're such a girly girl." He chuckled as he got up to get me a t-shirt and boxers. "Here put these on. I'll uh...I'll um....I'll go get a shower. Don't worry the bedroom door is locked so no one will barge in."

I quickly got dressed and crawled back into Ethan's bed. It was so warm and cozy, I could stay here forever if it meant not having to go back to dealing with reality. I heard a vibrating sound coming from his nightstand where my wristlet was.

I opened my wristlet and took out my cellphone. I had 15 missed calls, 4 voicemails, and 2 text messages.

Two missed calls were from Chad, one from Aiden, twelve from Zac..

The first voicemail was from Chad at 3:30AM- "Hey Kaila, it's Chad. I was just calling to see if you're ok and that you made it home safely. Please call us as soon as you get this message.

The second voicemail was from Aiden at 3:31AM- "Kaila! It's me Aiden. Chad's a party pooper he wouldn't let me talk to you. You're hot Kaila, I love you!"

I couldn't help but laugh at Aiden's crazy voicemail. Deep down inside he wasn't such a bad guy after all.

Two voicemails were from a very intoxicated Zac at 3:40AM- "Kai, I love you Kai. You're the bestest friend ever."

4:45AM- "Where the hell are you Kai. Call me now!"

The text messages read as following:

Zac- Where are you, why aren't you answering. Call me now!!

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