Chapter 3: Fashion Show (Picture of Ethan)

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From where I was standing I could still see the Eiffel Tower, it's beautiful bright lights illuminating the sky. Aunt Elisha promised to take me there, but all the preparation work for her fashion line kept us more than busy. The dark night sky littered with stars and constellations.

"Beautiful night wouldn't you agree?" A guy with a slight french accent said while he took his place standing next to me.

"Yes, I agree. This couldn't have turned out to be a better night." I answered as I turned to face him.

He was to die for gorgeous. He was at least 6 foot 1, even though he was dressed in a tux I could still tell he was muscular. He had dark brown hair with a strong muscular jaw, a little bit of scruff along his jaw line, a perfect nose to compliment his perfect mysterious dark brown eyes.

My body tensed up slightly nervous now that I was aware of his perfection, also realizing that I just answered a complete stranger who probably wasn't even talking to me in the first place! Self consciousness running through me, I turned around to look and see if there was anyone else that he could be possibly speaking to. one else out here but him and I.

"I'm sorry, you were talking to me...weren't you?" I asked baffled.

"Yes of course I was talking to you, unless of course I was talking to myself, because I don't see anyone else out here." He said letting out a small chuckle at my strange behavior. "I'm Ethan Pierre III, by the way." Introducing himself as he held out his hand.

A smile broke out onto my face, what a fresh little twit. "I'm Mikaila, nice to meet you." I answered reaching my hand out to shake his, instead he reached down and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. My face immediately flushing scarlet.

"Oh, I'm well aware of who you are and the pleasure is all mine." He smiled. His eyes twinkled under the moonlight. Looking into his eyes, I felt as though I was being swept off my feet. I couldn't help but grin like an idiot. This was the first time in my entire life that a guy, other than Zac, was speaking to me...and he wasn't being mean or making fun of me! "So you're the niece of THE Elisha Stapleton."

"Yea, that'd be me..why do you say it like that?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing, just wondering why I've never seen you before today? I'm sure I would of remembered a beautiful face such as yours, and I've known Elisha since she first moved to Paris five years ago." He commented.

"So you're 'friends' with my aunt?" I inquired. Hmm I wondered if they had a 'thing'. My aunt would be crazy to let this guy slip by!

"You can say we're friends. My mother's a big supporter of her designs." He smirked. "Although I'm a little too young for Elisha's taste."

"A little too young? How old are you?" I joked. How could he be too young, my aunt's only 29 so that didn't make her old.

"I'm 20, how old are you?" He replied. Wow these European guys sure look alot older than what they really are.


"A little young to be an up and coming designer aren't we?" He grinned while winking at me.

"Actually NO, I'm not, because pure talent doesn't have an age." I retorted somewhat bitterly. Who did this cocky guy think he was...questioning my ability to be a designer at 17? He was really starting to piss me off. "Now if you'll excuse me I have a party to get back to." I seethed while pivoting on my heels and walking back inside.

I immediately found my aunt mingling with her friends. "Aunt Elisha do you mind if I go home? I'm really tired." I lied. So shoot me for being antisocial! I had alot going on in my mind right now and needed to soak in the jacuzzi to clear my head.

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