Chapter 23: Have You Ever...

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Waking up this morning in an empty bed was not what I expected. I flipped over onto my other side trying to find the warmth of Ethan's body, only to hit the coolness of the sheets underneath me.

Strange, I thought to myself as I sat up and looked around only to find the room empty. What is this boy doing up out of bed at seven in the morning?

I quickly threw on Ethan's hoodie over my cami to cover up, I already had on black yoga pants, I slid my slippers on and left my room in search of my man. Right off the bat I could hear the excited voices of the guys coming from downstairs as the smell of rich coffee attacked my nostrils.

Lord help us, they're insane! Who really gets up this early in the morning when they don't have to? We're supposed to be on a holiday for crying out loud!

"This is going to be awesome!" Aiden's voice was filled with excitement. "You see the lift here brings you up to the tip of devil's run and the zipline runs from there all the way down to the beginning of the slope!"

"Wow, the girls are so gonna freak when they find out how big of a drop that zipline is." Alex responded and a bunch of chuckles ensued.

I came into view of the kitchen and could only break out in a fit of giggles. There gathered around the kitchen island, hovering over a map of the slopes in only their boxers drinking coffee were Aiden, Alex, and Chad. I suppose everyone else in the right mind stayed in bed.

My sexy baby was whisking away at something in a huge bowl as he stood next to the stove. As I looked around I saw AJ laying out bacon and placing biscuits to bake on an aluminum pan.

What was this some sort of boxers only testosterone party that I wasn't invited to?

Ethan's eyes immediately found mine once he heard my laughter. "Aww love, what're you doing up? You ruined the whole effect, we were gonna surprise you girls with breakfast in bed!" He said with a pout. Boy, he sure is sexy even when he's not trying to be.

I chewed down nervously on my lip. "Well...I woke up this morning hoping to cuddle with my baby, but he wasn't anywhere to be found!" I said clicking my tongue and shaking my head with disappointment. "So naturally I had to come find someone else to cuddle with."

"I'll be more than glad to coddle you!" Aiden shouted grabbing me into a bear hug as he began running out the kitchen with me in his arms, but not before Ethan jumped in front of him blocking his way.

"If you don't drop my girl right now, I'm gonna hurt you Aiden." Ethan threatened jokingly.

"Dam, almost got away with you." Aiden whispered in my ear as he placed me firmly back down onto the ground in front of Ethan. "Can't knock me for trying." He laughed as he held his fist out to Ethan.

"Good try though my man." Ethan laughed as he playfully fist pounded Aiden.

"Now that you've ruined the surprise, guess you're just gonna have to sit and look pretty till it's done." He grinned as his lips found their way to mine. "By the way, morning beautiful." Ethan whispered against my lips. "I'll get you later for that 'having to find someone else to cuddle with' comment." He smirked at me playfully nipping at my bottom lip before he turned around and continued cooking.

"Mmm, morning babe." I answered feeling hypnotized by his kisses. I hoisted myself up onto the kitchen counter next to Ethan. "Can I help with anything?" I asked as my legs dangled back and forth.

"No." He answered as he took a sip from his coffee mug. "Want some?" He offered holding out the mug to me.

"Yes, please." My eyes widened in delight. 

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