The Schuyler Sisters

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Peggy awoke to see her sisters in tears, and her family crowded around her bed.

"MOTHER!" Justine screamed when she saw her mother was awake.

Peggy was bombarded with hugs. Stephen muttered a prayer.

"What happened?" She murmured, only just noticing Cortland pressing a wet cloth to her forehead.

"You fainted. We called the doctor, he said he could not feel a pulse, we were so afraid...." Eliza sat down shakily.

Suddenly another figure entered the room. Alexander.

"Leave." Peggy said quickly. Eliza stiffened.

"Excuse me, but my sister is ill."

"You do not have any sisters." Angelica muttered.

Alexander looked genuinely hurt. "Are you okay, Peggy?"

"Obviously not!" Eliza screeched.

Everyone was silent. These were the first words Eliza had told her husband in weeks, though she did not make eye contact with him.

"She collapsed about an hour ago, but you were probably too busy writing to know."

"I will have you know, I saw the doctor and asked him if she was okay while walking with Philip. I heard what happened and rushed over here."

"What does 'walking with Philip' mean? Flaunting with other women?!"

It came out of nowhere. Eliza barley spoke of the affair. When she did, she would have trouble holding herself together.

"No." Alexander answered. His stiff tone had dropped to something kinder. "That was not-"

"How are you feeling, Peggy?" Angelica interrupted.

Peggy blinked. She had forgotten everyone else was there.

"Not very good." Peggy answered. The faint had taken much out of her.

Angelica took her hand. "It will be okay."

Peggy nodded. She certainly hoped that was true.


Peggy had a restless sleep of tossing and turning. She would wake, sit there for half an hour, sleep, wake, and sit again. Luckily she had plenty to think about.

She thought about the talk between Alexander and Eliza. She thought about how she had collapsed again that day once her sisters had gone home. She thought about her family. She thought about John.

What a life I've lived. She thought. Perhaps enough events for several lifetimes.

What would her father do in this situation? She had always gone to him for guidance, even as an adult.

"Accept your fate with an open mind, and keep your head up high. You cannot change it, so make the best of it." Was probably something he would say.

Peggy would accept her fate with open arms. If she were to die, she would be much more worried about her family than her.

However, her family had changed over the years. Justine and Cortland fought much less, and helped out with chores more. Henry was growing up to be a smart young man, and Stephen took wonderful care of them.

Peggy had been able to do almost nothing over the past few years. Obviously she could do nothing if she were not here. She had faith in Stephen if he were the only one left.

And PeggyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя