Pride Is Not The Word I'm Looking For

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"A boy. We had a baby boy!" Alexander beamed as Peggy, Angelica and Philip eagerly waited outside their door.

Peggy gasped. Angelica hugged Alexander, who returned the gesture gratefully, and Philip smiled.

"And his name, son?" Their father asked.

Alexander's eyes twitched as Philip had said "Son", but saw nothing else out of the ordinary.

"Philip." Alexander smiled.

Small tears filled Philip's eyes. "Thank you." He said.

"Would you like to see?" Alexander moved so the Schuyler's could enter.

Eliza was lying on a bed, looking tired but throughly satisfied. She was holding a soft bundle in her arms.

"Hi." She whispered.

The others waved as Alexander put a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Would you like to hold him?" Eliza asked.

Philip took his grandson with careful hands. "I am a grandfather."

There was silence after that, as if the words needed time to sink in.

"What a wonderful grandfather you will be." Angelica smiled as the baby was passed to her.

She started at him. "He has your nose." She told Alexander.

"You should have seen Alexander weep as he held the baby for the first time." Eliza chuckled.

"I was not weeping!" Alexander protested.

"Shh!" Angelica shushed him.

"Yes, you were." Eliza smiled. "It was sweet."

Alexander crossed his arms. "I was not weeping..." He muttered.

Next, the sleeping baby was passed to Peggy. He was so small. He yawned, showing off his tiny gums. Peggy beamed.

"I cannot believe I am an aunt."

Everyone smiled.

"I have news you might enjoy." Alexander told Peggy. "John is visiting in a few months. It was hard for him to convince the general to give him a break, especially after the duel, but John's charm knows no boundaries."

Everyone laughed, but Peggy had a sneaking suspicion that Alexander's comment had a little more meaning to it than he let on.

"That is wonderful!" She smiled as she rocked the baby. "I am eager to see him again."

She looked back down at Philip, the newest member to their family. What wonders would Philip discover? What will he be like? What will he achieve? She was eager to find out.


Peggy had visited the Hamilton family many times over the next few weeks.

"You have such a way with children." Eliza commented.

"Strange. I am usually so impatient." Peggy remarked. "Children need patience."

Eliza smiled. Every day she had been getting stronger and stronger. It made Peggy glad to have a hard working sister like her.

"Look!" Peggy exclaimed.

Philip had smiled a big gummy grin in Peggy's direction.

The sisters smiled. "He is such a happy baby. Too bad on the rare occasions he is sad, he is never quiet about it." Eliza chuckled. "Just like you, when you were young." She pointed at Peggy.

"Me? I was the face of innocence." Peggy pretended to look hurt. The truth was, Peggy had loved to get into trouble. As she grew older, she had controlled the urge, but once in a while, her naughty tendencies came out, like when in a snowball fight.

"I am happy for you, Eliza." Peggy said.

Eliza smiled. "I have never felt more grateful. However..." Her brow furrowed.

Peggy waited.

"I suppose Alexander could have stayed a little longer after we were married. But nobody can have everything." She shrugged.

Peggy smiled. Eliza was a ray of sunshine, with her sweet, melodic voice, and a smile constantly on her face. She only deserved the best.

"I should leave." Peggy said after a while. "I have many chores to do at home." She frowned. "I would rather be here." She added as she pecked Philip and Eliza on the cheek.

"It's quite alright. It's nap time, right Philly?" Eliza cooed.

Philip smiled and stuck his chubby fingers in his mouth.

Peggy laughed. How could something- or someone- so small, be so loved?

"Goodbye! I shall be back soon!" Peggy waves over her shoulder and walked home.

"Hello my dearest." Her father greeted her as she walked into the door.

"Hello father."

As soon as Peggy had taken off her coat, she had meant to do her chores. Somehow however, she found herself lying on her bed, making up scenarios in her head.

In one, it was her wedding. She was walking up the aisle with her father, and saw John Laurens on the other side. It was silly, making up things like that, but Peggy had always done it.

Her thoughts fled to John. Would they be married someday? She loves him dearly, despite his recklessness. She could be herself around him. She was not perfect, but neither was he. She could actually be herself around him. John never judged her if she talked about her dreams. He treated her like a person, not a rich girl who only had money, and no other qualities. Perhaps one day they would be married. He could stop his life on the battlefield and they could raise a family together, right here in Manhattan. That way, he could be close to Alexander, and Peggy would stay with Eliza, her father, and hopefully Angelica.

But the future was a long way off, and the idea scared Peggy slightly. For now, she was just going to do her chores and decide what to wear when John came over.

And PeggyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora