Someone in a Rush Meets Someone Looking Pretty

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The city was a buzz of light and sounds. There was something to look around every corner. Peggy could feel her pulse increasing.

Eliza tightened her grip on Peggy's hand, who was secretly thankful. Despite its wondrous aspects, the city was a dangerous place.

"Where shall we go first?" Angelica asked as she picked up a pamphlet a young man had given her.

"Didn't you say you wanted to look at that dress?" Eliza offered.

"Of course, it's down that way." Eliza pointed to her right.

The girls started to walk down the street, Angelica's head in her paper, Eliza holding Peggy's hand while they both looked around at all the sights of the city. 

"Yo!" Came a voice from in front of them. There stood the same five men the sisters had noticed every night they snuck out.

The man in the lead was none other than Aaron Burr, who never failed to make a move on the sisters, but always failed for his flirt tactics to work.

The man on his closest right was Hercules Mulligan. He seemed frightening at first, but was one of the sweetest men Peggy had the pleasure of meeting, but she did not know him well.

The man on Aaron's left was none other than Marquis de Lafayette, a Frenchman with a burning desire to fight in the revolution. Everyone m de that. His curly brown hair was in a tight bun as he sauntered his way downtown.

On Lafayette's right there were two men Peggy had not learned the names of quite yet. The first man had been in New York for quite some time now. He was short, with his brown hair also tied in a bun, a few long locks flowing down the sides of his face. His green eyes lit up as he looked at his companions, especially to the man on his right. His freckles seemed to dance as he beamed at the ladies.

The man on his right was the newest of the group. He had his hair in a ponytail, with very dark hair. He had big brown eyes and a small beard on his chin. He was rather attractive, but Peggy could already tell he wasn't her type.

"Ah, my favorite sisters!" Aaron Burr exclaimed, attempting to grab Angelica's hand.

She pulled away.

"Oooooh." The boys grimaced in pain.

"A moment of silence for Aaron Burr." Lafayette said with mock sympathy.

"Don't worry Burr, you'll always have us!" Hercules laughed.

Aaron rolled his eyes. "Relax, she didn't say no. Perhaps she's just shy." He made another move for her hand.

Angelica pulled her hand away farther. "No." She said.

Peggy's eyes widened. Eliza bit her lip. The short freckled-face man sucked in air through his teeth. Something was about to happen.

Aaron tried to keep his game up. Raising an eyebrow, he said, "No?"

"No Burr. I'm afraid the very last quality I have is 'shy.' And seeing how you've been following me around since summer, I would have thought you knew that by now."

Peggy noticed Burr nervously fiddle with his jacket buttons unintentionally. She almost felt sorry for him, had she not known the kind of person he was.

The new man laughed. "Mister Burr, Sir, you told me you had a way with women!"

"Hush Alexander. Most women fall on their knees in my presence."

Angelica's eyebrows flew upward. This was clearly not the best thing to say.

"You? Most women fall on their knees at the sight of you Mister Burr?"

"Ah, well, it was- I was- I wasn't-"

"I would say it was nice to run into you, Mister Burr, but since a young age I was taught that lying was rather rude."

Burr sighed. He seemed to accept defeat. "Of course Miss Schuyler, but I shall woo you someday." He smiled.

Angelica did not return the smile.

"What are such pretty ladies doing out in the big city at this time of night anyway?" Lafayette asked in a thick French accent.

"Our family is hosting a ball this winter." Eliza explained. 

"Certainly not the Winter Ball?" Hercules face lit up. "I was invited quite a while back, I had an amazing time. The food was-"

"Hercules, we would all love to hear about your love life, but now isn't the time, and here isn't the place." Alexander teased.

Hercules blushed as the others laughed.

Angelica rolled her eyes. Peggy however, found these men to be quite endearing. She giggled and they all looked at her. She felt like she was on display, and was not used to the attention.

"Oui, petit beaut?" Lafayette asked. Peggy didn't know French well, but she felt as if it were a compliment.

"I'm sure father would not mind if we invited a few more people, would he girls?" Peggy asked her sisters.

They looked at her as if she had just announced she would be joining the British Army. However, Eliza kept looking that Alexander man. Immediately she answered, "A few more people would never give us any trouble."

Angelica sighed. "Except Burr, perhaps."

Alexander laughed. "Now now girls, I'll keep my eye on Burr and make sure he does not go galavanting around when there's nothing to show off!"

Burr laughed with the rest of them, but Peggy was sure he narrowed his eyes.

"A Winters Ball it is, then!" The man who's name was still unknown to Peggy exclaimed.

The girls started to walk again, Eliza's arm brushing against Alexander's. She heard a small gasp.

Angelica raised her eyebrows at Peggy.

"The one time you say something in public, and you invite them to our ball?! I'll never get that Burr man off my shoulder!"

"Calm down Angelica, she spoke in public, that's a start." Eliza winked.

Peggy rolled her eyes. Her sisters could be rather... Sisterly sometimes.

"Well, the more the merrier!" Peggy said. "Now where was that dress?"

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