1780 A Winters Ball

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The ball came faster than Peggy had expected. Soon their ballroom was drapes in decorations, and the band was warming up their instruments.

"What a grand party this will be!" Eliza clapped her hands.

Peggy's excitement for the ball had increased the slightest ever since the fateful night in the city. Of course, those men had barely looked her way compared to her sisters, but perhaps that would change.

That night Peggy had just put on her dress when the first few guests arrived.

"Hurry up there, girls!" Their father called, followed shortly by welcomes and hello's.

Peggy waited outside her bedroom door to walk down with her sisters. There was no need to walk down alone and meet people she barely knew by herself. Siblings were there so you could do it together.

Eliza and Angelica walked out of their rooms at almost the same time. It really astounded Peggy how synchronized those two were. They elegantly walked down the stairs to greet their guests.


A few hours later, Peggy had given up trying to socialize. Very few men had come her way since she had sat out of the way. They always went to Angelica, then Eliza, then Peggy. And Peggy.

Her gloomy thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. She looked up to reveal one of the men she had run into in the city the other day. She had never learned his name.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yes Miss. I was wondering if you would like to dance."

"And you are..."

"John Laurens, miss."

"And which sister rejected you?"


"Men only come to me when my sisters deny their constant requests to dance with them. So who said no to you?"

"Nobody, miss, um.."

"Margarita. But call me Peggy." Peggy was rather surprised Laurens did not know her name. Then again, perhaps he was being modest because she had not known his.

He extended his hand out further. Peggy took it.

"Where are you from?" She asked as a waltz began to play.

"South Carolina." He answered.

"Oh really? I've never been."

"It's nothing special really." He replied. "But I understand you have always lived in Manhattan?"

"Yes I have. You would think I would never grow bored of such a big city, but you would be surprised."

"Oh really?" He spun her around. "Do elaborate."

Peggy had never told anyone other than her sisters her desires or wishes, but here she was, confessing to a man she had learned the name of about two minuets ago.

"Well, father used to travel everywhere when he was younger due to his work. When tucking us into bed he would often tell us stories of his travels and the exotic experiences he had there. Ever since I could understand what he was saying, I had wanted to travel the world so much. But that isn't a ladylike thing to do, and father values having perfect, elegant daughters. When I was younger I would often tell everyone how I would become a sailor when I grew up. But as I grew older my father told me to bite my tongue."

"That's fascinating." Laurens said after a pause.

Peggy stared. Laurens was the first man to care about her opinions first, and money later. She could hardly believe her luck!

"And you?" She asked. "Have you any plans?"

"Oh they're all terribly unrealistic. I wouldn't want to bore you." Laurens blushed.

"Nonsense, I would love to listen. But before you start, may we sit down? I'm not used to all this dancing."

Laurens smiled. "Or course."

He offered his elbow and Peggy took it.

As they walked back to their seats, they nearly crashed into Eliza and the Alexander man, who seemed to love struck to pay attention to anything else around them.

"Oh!" Eliza exclaimed at she spun towards Peggy. Quickly, Peggy grabbed Eliza's hand and spun around her. Laurens just walked around them.

Eliza looked rather flustered and pink in the face, but her smile was the biggest Peggy had ever seen on her. Peggy winked at her as they vanished out of sight.

"Perhaps we should go outside sir- sir?" Peggy saw John look at Eliza and Alexander as they waltzed around the dance floor.

Realization hit Peggy right in the heart. Obviously this man had been lying. He wanted to dance with Eliza, but Alexander had gotten to her first. He had never wanted to dance with Peggy in the first place. After she had confessed her dream to him, too!

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you, sir." She began to leave.

"What- wait! Where are you going?"

"To my seat."

"I thought I was to go with you-"

"Oh if you would rather dance with my sister then I shall not be a bother!"

"What are you talking about? I wanted to dance with you!"

"Then why are you looking at Eliza with such longing?"

Laurnes blushed. "I was not looking at Eliza."

Peggy furrowed her brow. Then she understood.


He had been looking at Alexander.... The same way Alexander was looking at Eliza.

"Perhaps we should sit down now, sir."

"Please, call me John."

"Alright, John then."

They couple sat near the back of the room, where they could see everything.

"Alexander then?" Peggy asked.

John nodded.

"And does he..."

"I'm not sure." He became stiff. Peggy knew it was time to change the subject.

"What is it like, fighting in the revolution?"

John looked at her. "Amazing. You would not believe the amount of spite and determination my fellow soldiers have. Except Charles Lee. But it won't be long until he gets shot. All he ever will be is a solider."

Peggy enjoyed the amount of passion John showed when talking about the revolution. "I wish I could go and fight. Instead I'm here, watching you all from afar. Daddy never tells me anything, he claims I'm too young to know much."

"I could write you letters, and keep you updated." John offered.

Peggy gave him a grateful smile. "Please do!"

"I like your company, Peggy. You are not like any other woman I have met." John complimented.

"You are different in the best way as well."

There was a pause.

"If I tell you something, do you promise not to speak of it to anyone else? The only other people that know are Lafayette, Burr, Mulligan and Alexander."

Peggy noticed he only referred to Alexander using his first name, but she pretended not to notice.

"I promise."

John bit his lip. "I want to start the very first black regiment."


Hello! I hope you like the story. I've written a few more Hamilton one shots so be sure to check out those.
A little side note: I forgot the exact wording for Laurens plans to free slaves and have them fight. If any of you remember, please tell me! Thanks for reading! ❤️

And PeggyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя