I May Not Live To See Our Glory

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John was going to visit in one week! Peggy was beside herself from excitement. In his last letter he sent her, he wrote:

I can hardly wait to see you, my dearest, Peggy. Being on the field is fun, but can be terrifying. At least I know I am safe with you. I send you my love.

Peggy had received John's letter and love. When visiting the Hamiltons, Eliza had told Peggy all Alexander would talk about was showing Philip to John.

"Uncle John." Alexander would say. "It has a nice ring to it."

Eliza chuckled. "Yes Alex, we know."

Alexander blushed as he picked up Philip. Whenever Alexander looked at Philip, Peggy noticed something change in both of their eyes. They had a special connection, Peggy could sense it.

"I should be heading back home." Peggy said after a while.

"I have to get the mail. I'll walk you out." Eliza offered as she passed Philip to Alexander.

"What a happy family you are." Peggy smiled.

Eliza smiled. "I have never been happier. Send Angelica my love."


Once Peggy arrived home, she saw Angelica pacing in the parlor.

"Angelica, what is the matter? Where is father?"

"Father is out." Angelica said. Her voice was shaking slightly.

"Are you okay?" Peggy asked. Angelica was holding a paper. An envelope was on the floor. Peggy noticed the name Laurens on it.

"Is that from John?" She asked.

Angelica stopped walking.

"Angelica, what is going on?"

Angelica handed her sister the envelope.

"It says Henry Laurens. That is his father."

Angelica nodded.

"May I see the letter?"

Angelica did not hand over the envelope.

"Angelica. Give me the letter."

Reluctantly, Angelica handed over the paper.

Peggy looked at her sister and read the letter.

"It is with my deepest regret to announce that my son John Laurens was killed fighting on the battlefield by a redcoat."

Peggy's hands started to shake.

"I know you were very close to his heart. I thought you might like to have what was in the package. I am terribly sorry-"

Peggy dropped the letter. "The package, where is the package?!" She asked, the tears falling down her face.

Angelica pointed to the kitchen.

Peggy ran and saw a small box on the table.

"I waited for you." Angelica'a voice was strangely hoarse.

Trembling, Peggy unwrapped the paper and opened the box.

There was a ring inside. A paper was folded in the lid.

My dearest, Peggy. We are young. We are in the middle of a war. I could die any day now, and the thought does not scare me. However, life without you seems unimaginable. Even if we only have a short time together, will you please be mine forever?

And PeggyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя