Look at Where You Are Look at Where You Started

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Peggy had grown very weak over the past few years. She tried to brush it off, but she felt terrible. Stephen insisted that she rest all day, so she never went outside anymore. She usually sat in her bed, reading, writing, or talking to her family.

"How are you feeling?" Eliza asked one day when coming to visit.

"Oh, you know." Peggy coughed.

Eliza began to stroke her hand. "Angelica should be here any day now."

Angelica was moving back to New York.

John understands. She had written. My family needs me, and my family is not in London.

Peggy had been beside herself with excitement. However, that just made her cough more.

As she adjusted herself into bed, she heard the soft crinkle of paper from behind her pillow, and was thankful Eliza had not heard anything. For Eliza had been through a lot lately. Alexander had an affair with another woman a few years ago. Had Peggy not been ill, she would have walked up you the man and slapped him. She forbade him from entering her home. Eliza was a ray of sunshine in the darkness of the world, and Alexander had betrayed her. That was the last time Angelica had come over. She stayed for a few weeks. Late into the night, Peggy and Angelica would talk about Alexander, while Eliza was asleep.

"That evil man." Peggy said.

"He is. He has never made time for our sister." She paused. "It is my fault."

"What?! Angelica, no! Is isn't-"

"I knew something like this would happen!"

A small laugh escaped from Peggy's lips. "How could you have known?"

"From the moment he first spoke to me, I knew Alexander was a man who would always want something. And when he wanted something, he would intend to get that something. That is what we were conversing about at the ball. At his wedding, I gave him a warning. May he always be satisfied with our sister, or face the consequences. He chose the ladder."

Peggy was speechless. "Angelica... How..."

"I am good at reading anything. Books, letters, people." Angelica shrugged.

"But do not blame yourself."

"Had I not let Alexander meet Eliza so soon, perhaps I would be in her place. "

"Do not wish you were not in her place. Wish nobody was in her place, including her." Peggy said.

After a pause, Angelica announced she was going to bed. Peggy could tell she was emotionally exhausted.

"Sleep well." Peggy bade her.

This morning, Peggy awoke, the sun shining through her window. Stephen was already out of bed. Delicious smells wafted from down below, and more than anything did Peggy wish she could see what was causing them.

"Good morning, mother." Justine walked in, already dressed and ready for the day.

"Hello Justine. What is happening down there? I smell something utterly delightful."

"Father is making breakfast." Justine reported.

Peggy gave a weak smile. Why did she deserve such a man?

"Do you need anything?" Justine asked, walking into the sunny bedroom. "Aunt Angelica should be here any day now."

Peggy shook her head. "I have everything I need right here."

Justine smiled. "Alright."

Peggy reached for her book and began to read. But she had never been one to sit still, and set it down shortly after with an exasperated sigh. What she would give to be outside right now, in the warmth of the day.

"Hello sweetheart." Came a voice. Stephen entered, holding breakfast on a tray.

"Oh Stephen. You should not have gone through all the trouble-"

"Trouble? Oh no trouble at all!" Stephen smiled.

He sat on the edge of her bed as she ate.

"Could I go outside today?" She asked, like she did every morning.

"Now now Peggy, you heard what the Doctor said-"

"Does it really look like I care? I have not been out in weeks. I need some fresh air, a change of scenery."

Stephen smiled, attempting to hide the worry in his eyes. "That is not a good idea."

"I do not care-"

"Sh. Later I will bring up another book. Okay?"

Peggy sighed. Sometimes, Stephen did not really listen to her.

"Fine." She was too tired to argue.

Stephen smiled and walked out, carrying the empty plates.

Peggy reached for her mirror. She did not like to think she was conceited, but she was afraid he illness was effecting her outside, and her family was much too modest to tell her.

It was true. Her skin had sunken and turned a little gray. Her eyes looked as if they were popping out of her skull. More and more wrinkles showed up on her face everyday. The only perk as to not going outside was that nobody except her family saw her like this.

Alexander had not written to her, nor had he even tried to get into her home. She did not know what to make of it. Did he even know she was deathly ill? If he did, did he care? The talk they had after John's passing seemed like it was with another person.

Suddenly she heared a thumping noise. A sudden figure emerged from her doorway.

"Angelica!" She smiled.

Her sister ran over. "How are you? Feeling okay? Do you need anything?"

"Angelica, calm yourself. I am not on my deathbed."

"Oh Peggy, do not say that..." She rummaged through her bag. "Here is some bread. I picked it up on the way here."

Suddenly, Eliza entered. "Angelica! What a pleasant surprise!"

The girls hugged. Peggy wished she could have gotten up and joined them. Angelica took her sisters hands.

"As soon as Peggy feels better, we can go downtown as long as we would like!"

The girls laughed. Peggy appreciated Angelica for keeping her head above the very high waters.

She began to feel rather hot. She began to fan herself.

"Oh here, let me open the window a bit more." Eliza opened the window and the sunlight streamed in.

However, Peggy still felt overheated.

"I will go get a wet cloth from downstairs." Eliza left.

Suddenly there was a tipping sensation, a scream, and everything went black.

And PeggyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora