There's a Lake I Know

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"Justine, come on, it's only water!" Philip yelled from the lake.

"Muddy water, Philip. Disgusting muddy water!" His cousin yelled from the shore.

"It isn't so bad. Look, I've only been bitten by a piranha five times!"

Justine screamed and began to cry.

"Justy!" Eliza yelled. She had only just walked outside. "What is wrong?"

"D-DO NOT C-CALL ME J-J-JUSTY!!" She screamed.

Eliza walked down the hill. "Okay, shh. What's is the matter?"

"Ph-Philip said a p-piranha b-bit him f-five times!"

Eliza sighed. "Justine, there are no piranhas in that lake. Do you think I would let you in there if that were the case?"

Justine blushed. "N-no..."

"And Philip, if you want Justine to go in the lake, you are doing a terrible job off doing so!" Eliza scolded. "Apologize this instant."

"Sorry Justine."

Justine sniffed and and crossed her arms.

"You know, there could be a mermaid in there, you never know." Eliza said.

Justine's eyes widened. "Really?"

"I'm not sure. There is only one way to find out, though."

Justine paused for a moment, thinking about her options. Then she ran back to the house, emerging from it once more with a bathing suit on.

"What a way with children you have." Angelica complimented.

"I was once a child, I can relate." Eliza modestly said. "But thank you for the compliment."

Meanwhile, Peggy was furiously writing on a piece of parchment.

"Peggy, you are going to tear that paper in half if you press down any harder. Who are you writing to, anyway?" Angelica asked.

"Not important." Peggy vaguely responded.

"Clearly it is. You have not been this focused since... Well I do not know when."

Peggy paused for a moment to give her sister a glare and stretch her cramped hand.

Peggy was writing to Alexander, but she did not want Eliza to know that. That night, Peggy found some alone time with Angelica to ask what was going on.

"Alexander has put his work before our sister." She responded stiffly.

Peggy growled. "How dare he?"

"I know. But I did all I could do. The only other option is to make sure Betsy enjoys herself here."

Peggy sighed, remembering the chat she had with the politician in his study not too long ago. She knew he would always put the quill first and the personal life later.

That night, when she had climbed into bed next to her beloved husband in her old bedroom, she thought about what she could do. It was not the first time Peggy had trouble falling asleep in that room.

Today all she could really do was write a letter. That was the least suspicious scenario.

"Done!" She yelled with an elaborate hand movement as she signed her name. "I shall be heading to the post office now. Would anyone care to come with me?"

"I will." Angelica stood up.

"I am fine watching the children. You two go." Eliza said. She had a far off look in her eyes.

"But-" Peggy saw the look in Angelica's eyes. "Okay."

"What was that all about?" She asked once they were out of earshot.

"Eliza would like to be alone. I can tell." Angelica answered.

Once again, Peggy felt slightly left out of their group. Perhaps Peggy knew what Eliza wanted. Had Angelica thought of that?

You are an adult. Please act that way. She reminded herself.

She kept her head up high and went to deliver her letter.

Once they entered town, they saw familiar faces and families.

"Miss Angelica! How mature you are!"

"Miss Peggy, you rarely come to visit, how are you?"

"Miss Angelica, I still have not forgotten our dance we shared at the ball so many years ago!"

The last man who said that revived a smack on the head from the young woman standing next to him.

Angelica chuckled. "People never fail to leave me feeling... Something."

Peggy smiled. "I am glad you explained that well, otherwise I would have been confused."

Angelica rolled her eyes. "Oh hush. Who is that letter for, anyway?"

Peggy immediately closed her mouth.

"I thought so." Angelica smiled. "But in all honesty, who are you writing to?" She saw the address. "Oh, Peggy."

"Do not look at me like that. Is is worth a try, isn't it?"

Angelica shook her head. "Do whatever you please. But do not be discouraged if he does not answer you."

"Oh, he will. I can guarantee it."


About two weeks later, a letter arrived from Alexander. His handwriting was sloppy and written urgently, as if he were losing the effort, or running out of time.


I am sorry. Work is work. I expected you to understand. I will write.


"What?!" Peggy yelled that night.

"I told you." Angelica remarked.

"Oh, hush. He still answered." But deep down, Peggy felt this was much worse than no response. "He always writes in paragraphs. And why would I understand? Eliza is my sister."

As if on cue, Eliza walked into the room, her usual grace and elegance returned. "I have a letter for Alexander."

Angelica shot her a look.

"Oh Angelica, I cannot help it. I am worried about him. He probably has not slept a wink."

Angelica shook her head. "You and your big heart."

But Alexander had not written to Eliza yet, not even a short 'I love you'.

"Eliza?" Peggy asked without thinking.


"Perhaps you should wait until Alexander writes to you first."

"Oh, I like that idea!" Angelica smiled.

"Now now girls, he is probably too busy to write." Eliza said.

Angelica and Peggy gave each other a look.

"Too busy for the love of his life?" Peggy asked.

"Too busy to write a quick 'I love you'?" Angelica asked.

Eliza blushed. "He would never take care of himself if I were not there."

"He is a grown man." Angelica argued. "You are too nice, Eliza."

"Well if I am, I am!" Eliza argued. "It is not my fault I love him unconditionally!"

Peggy could not help but wonder if  Alex loved her that much as well.

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