Now my Luck Gets Better every Letter that You Write me!

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Two weeks later, Alexander Hamilton was in the Schuyler's household. Eliza was grasping his hand under the table, and seemed very tense.

"Which is why, Mister Schuyler, I would like your daughters hand in marriage."

Peggy nearly spit out her drink. Marriage?! Her sister mentioned nothing of the sort!

Philip raised an eyebrow. "Marriage?"

Peggy grabbed Angelica's hand under the table, but felt her sister pull away. It was hard to read her expression.

Over the last two weeks, Peggy and Angelica had written letters to Alexander as well. Peggy could see why Angelica and Eliza both loved him so dearly. He was a charming man, and he knew that.

Their father stood up. Peggy did not know what to wish for.

Hamilton stood up as well. Philip took his hand, and shook it.

"Be true." He said.

Alexander's face lit up immediately. "Thank you sir, you will not regret it!"

Eliza hugged her fiancé. Angelica hugged him next, her arm lingering on his back for quite some time. Peggy hugged him last.

"Thank you girls, for all that you have done. It was wonderful writing to you!"

Angelica and Peggy smiled.

"We will leave you to it!" Angelica and Peggy grabbed their dinner plates and went to clean them.

Once they entered their kitchen, Angelica's act dropped. Her shoulders hunched and she looked down.

"Are you alright?" Peggy asked. What a stupid question. Obviously she was not okay. She made a move to grab her hand, but Angelica pulled away.

"I shall clean the dishes. You go upstairs." Peggy instructed.

Angelica nodded, barely mustered out a "Thank you", and left the room.


"Now Peggy, I hope there are no hurt feelings when I ask Angelica to be the maid of honor." Eliza told Peggy a few days later. "The last thing I would ever do to you girls is choose one over the other."

Peggy smiled. Her feeling were hurt the slightest, but she did not blame her sister. She would rather have a bullet to the heart than to choose which sister she liked better.

"I understand."

Eliza beamed and left to tell her sister the good news.

Peggy was worried about Angelica. Her sister had been up later than usual most nights, writing something she would not let others see.

The night before the wedding, the girls had snuck out to the city. They intended to go to bed soon, but how could they when none of them were tired? At least, Peggy and Eliza were not. The bags under Angelica's eyes said otherwise.

"Angelica, you need rest." Eliza insisted.

"Nonsense. Ah, here is a good place."

They went around a building into a dark corner. Inside they could see a bar, and inside the bar was Alexander Hamilton himself. He was with Mulligan, Lafayette, and John. They were discussing something important it seemed, and Alex kept getting interrupted by Lafayette. A flash of annoyance flashed on Alexander's face every time he did this, followed by laughter.

"We should not be spying, it is rude." Eliza said.

"We are not spying. I did not even know they were here." Angelica confessed. "Now. Peggy and I have something small for you. From your sisters, who will be your sisters no matter what."

Eliza put a hand to her heart. "Oh girls!" She sighed. "You have done too much for me, really."

If only she knew what Angelica was for her, Peggy thought.

She brought out a small box out of her bag and handed it to Eliza.

Eliza opened the box and gasped. Inside there was a beautiful necklace, with a small 'E' dangling from its chain.

"Girls, I'm speechless!"

"Read the note!" Angelica chastised.

"To our sister Betsy, a soon to be Hamilton, and a forever Schuyler. From your sisters, who are always by your side."

Small tears rolled down her cheeks. "Girls, you should not have!"

Her sisters pulled out their own necklaces from their dresses. Angelica's was the same, but with an A. Peggy had an M.

"We love you." Angelica said.

"And I love you, too."

The girls hugged.

"No matter what happens tomorrow, we will be here, forever." Peggy said.

Eliza, touched by her sisters words, replied with; "And I am here for you girls. Just write a letter, and I shall be at your doorstep!"

The girls gave each other one more long-lasting hug before walking home, hand in hand.


The next day was a blur of excitement and nerves. Never for a moment did Angelica or Peggy doubt Alexander's love for their sister, but Eliza had many doubts.

"I suppose we rushed into this, didn't we? Maybe we should hold it off for a little while longer-"

"That is truly absurd." Angelica commented as she fixed Eliza's dress.

"Perhaps the dress is too large? What if I am unable to walk up the aisle?"

"That was what the rehearsals were for." Peggy reassured her sister.

"What if-"

"Eliza! We could be making up impossible scenarios all day. What if this, what if that. But what if this is better that you pictured?" Angelica huffed.

Eliza sighed. "Thank you. That was needed."

"Is Miss Eliza almost ready?" Came a voice from outside.

"Nearly!" Angelica answered.

Peggy adjusted Eliza's veil and took a step back.

Tears filled her eyes, which she tried- and failed- to blink away. Her sister was getting married. Her sister, that stuck by her side in the hardest of times, teased her, and loved her, was leaving the family. But not forever, Peggy knew. Family always stayed close together.

As she walked down the aisle with her father, Peggy noticed him and Angelica silently cry as well. John winked at her, and she blushed.

"Do you, Alexander Hamilton, take Eliza Schuyler to be your lawfully wedded....."

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