Chapter 1 - Emma

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I drag my bag through the rusty old door. How on earth can grandma live here? It's such a small town and barely anything to do.

"Upstairs," grandma says.

I turn to face her. "Huh."

"Your room," she says.

She goes up the stairs and I drag my bag up the stairs behind her. Second door to the left. That's my room.

She pushes the door open. "You get settled, I'll make some tea for you downstairs."

I nod as I take in the room. It smells floral and I have yellow floral bedsheets with a bit of pink and purple. I stump on the bed. It creaks under my weight. There's no hope for me here.

I walk over to the wooden cupboard and attempt to pull the door open. It's a bit of a battle but it finally opens. Taking my clothes out one by one, I pile them neatly in the cupboard.

Mum and dad have gone abroad for a business trip and have left me here in the small town of Algard where my grandma lives. Before I was even born, apparently mother asked grandma to move in with them but grandma refused. She said she couldn't leave Algard because it was the most beautiful place ever. It was small and comfy and everyone was friendly. Grandma had lived her whole life here and couldn't leave it behind for all the bling and rich lifestyle my dad was willing to offer.

Mother lived here too but she moved in with dad once they got married. My mother loves her current lifestyle. It was like she was never born in an average household. I, of course was born with all of that. A big room. Money in my pocket. A expensive, shiny car. The best phone. Every gadget in the room. A whole other room as my wardrobe.

Coming here has shocked me. I don't think I can survive a week here and they expect me to stay here for a whole summer. I argued that I was willing to stay at our fancy mansion like house in the rich neighbourhood but my parents refused. They insisted I stay with grandma so I wouldn't be alone and to also keep grandma company, but I was never alone to begin with. All my friends are in Williams Square where I live. That was my life.

I'm twenty three and they still think I need guidance. I should be that disobeying daughter who moves out but I can't. That's not how I was brought up.

Although we're rich and living a lifestyle that many feel envious towards, father always cherished that family life. He taught me how to be that disciplined daughter who always listens and obeys their parents.

I don't mind it though. It's all good except this. I see grandma maybe once every few years so it's already awkward and the fact that it's always her coming over and never us. I can't blame us though, who'd want to live here anyways.

When my clothes get packed, I make my way downstairs. The steam from the teapot circles the whole kitchen. It's quite a small kitchen so it makes sense. I sit on the bright blue chair in the middle of the kitchen as grandma takes a seat next to me and pours a cup of tea for me.

"How are you?" She asks. "It's been two years since I saw you last. My,'ve grown."

I awkwardly smile. "I'm okay grandma. How are you?"

She nods. "Much better now that you're here."

I sip on the tea slowly, wrapping my arms around the teacup to keep my hands warm.

I stare out the kitchen window. The sun shines bright, the perfect weather to hit the beach or go for a drive.

I stare at my car in the driveway. A black Porsche. I don't trust my car in a town like this. I'm sure someone will try to steal it or damage it. When my parents drove me over here, all the cars by the side of the road were old cars. Paint scratched. Damaged. Cars from the nineties and even possibly the eighties.

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