Zingu's Inside Feel

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Ethan had been with Simon his entire life, and only now was he feeling something he regretted. Strangely enough, as much as Ethan wished to fight it, it kept coming back to bite him.

So he had to come to terms with his heart and accept it.


It had been months after Ethan had developed this feeling, and he still hadn't confronted Simon about. He'd tried everything he could; letters, texts, mild hints and pick up lines that he'd say at least once everyone video, but no luck. Josh and Vik, heck even some of the fans, had picked it up, but Simon somehow hadn't got it into his head.


Ethan sat down at his desk, joining into the call between Josh, Vik, JJ and Tobi. They had agreed to playing a game of Monopoly together, again, and Vik had promised Ethan that he wouldn't mess with him again. If Vik wasn't, then that meant JJ was.

Ethan stretched out, twirling round in his chair. Surprisingly, the game had gone smoothly, but he didn't upload monopoly after last times comments, and so he left that to Vik.

He heard a knock on the door, and rushed downstairs to answer it. His parents were out for the day, so Ethan had the whole house to himself.


Ethan saw Simon's face, and smiled softly, but his smile fell when he saw Simon's eyes full of question.

"We need to talk."

Simon shut the door, locking it behind him. He knew Simon wasn't going to shout at him if it was bad, and he knew Simon would be nice to him and keep his calm. Simon was like that.

They went up to Ethan's bedroom, where Simon shut the door and sat on the bed next to Ethan.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask you something."

Ethan shuffled nervously. He could ask anything at this point, and he felt scared of what to expect.

"When are you going to ask me out?"

Ethan opened his mouth but his tongue went dry and all he could do was shut it and swallow. What was Simon talking about? What did he mean?


He watched Simon laugh, and he felt his body begin to sweat. What did Simon know that he didn't?

"Do you remember how a few months ago you started endlessly flirting with me?"

"Y-you knew?"

"Or course," Simon rolled his eyes in a sarcastic manor. "As if it wasn't obvious before, nitwit."

He scanned the floor, before looking back up at Simon.

"Ever since the first few letters I've been wondering when you'd finally stop being shy and come and ask me." Simon sighed in a sad way that made Ethan feel guilty. "I've been waiting so long Ethan, so long."

"But I thought you were oblivious!"

"But I wasn't, was I?"

Ethan sighed, and managed to make eye contact with the taller guy sat next to him.

"Zingu I know you too well. You can't hide your inside feelings from me, especially the ones you have tucked away. You're my best friend..."

Ethan didn't avoid eye contact, even though his face was going red and for some reason he was beginning to pop a boner.

"What are you suggesting?"

"That I take you out tonight."

"On a date?"


Ethan scratched the back of his neck, and felt his face begin to burn.

"I-I don't know..."

"Ethan," Simon shook his head. "Your doing it again. You can't hide anything from me."

Ethan moved his hand down to his joggers, attempting to hide the huge erection he had at this particular moment.

"I-I'd love too."

Simon smiled, and took hold of Ethan's wrists, dragging his hands away from his crotch.

"Don't worry about it Ethan, I like you too much to care whether or not you get horny over me."

Ethan's cheeks went an even deeper red, and he felt Simon let go of his wrists. Slowly, he felt Simon lean in, and the taller boy plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"You know how much I love you, don't you?"

Ethan nodded slowly, and felt Simon slowly run a hand down his face. It was gentle, and Ethan felt himself at home.

"I know how much I love you..."

Simon giggled, which set of Ethan's heart.

"Your inside feeling does it all, it's the one to thank."

Suddenly, Ethan felt a bolt of vibration spike through his bones, and watched Simon scramble for him phone.

"Vik you spoilt the mood! Ethan and I were having a nice moment!" Simon screamed, and Ethan bit his lip hard in attempt not to scream out in laughter.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to ask if you could pick me-"

"Ask someone else! I'm taking this handsome son of a bitch to dinner!"

Simon slammed his phone down, and looked back at Ethan, whose smile was big and bright.

"Now," Ethan felt Simon run a soft hand down his thigh and shivered. "Where were we?"

-God DAMNIT Vik you ruin everything! Even though you are my second favourite Sideman.-

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