Away This Valentines Day

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"Where's Ethan?"
The Isle Of White. That's where.
"On holiday?"
On holiday. In February. And I'm all alone.
"Where's the other Sidemen?"
With their dates. It's Valentines Day, duh.
"Why aren't you out?"
My date isn't here. They're somewhere else. On Valentines Day.
"When's Ethan coming back?"
Soon, like, the 23 of February? Oh these flowers were a waste...
"Why don't you call him?"
I can't. I can't get in touch with him. I wish he was here...
"Who's he with?"
His parents. They knew he had a date, but they couldn't rearrange it.
"Who's Ethan's date?"
Me. I'm his boyfriend. But I'm alone. On Valentine's Day.

"Where's Simon?"
Back home, at the Sidemen house. I miss him.
"You miss him?"
Yeah... Really badly.
"Where's the other Sidemen?"
With their girlfriends, at home. That's Valentines Day for you.
"Why aren't you out?"
I'm on the Isle Of White, alone. My date's back home, somewhere.
"When are you going back?"
23 of Feb. So there was no point in getting chocolates, was there?
"Why not call Simon?"
I tried. I can't seem to get in touch.
"Who are you with?"
My parents, but I wish Simon was here..."
"Who's Simon's date?"
Me. I'm his boyfriend. But I'm alone. On Valentines Day.

-I think I'll update every other day. I'm sorry if that isn't enough for ya. Please don't kill me! Anyways, hope you liked this one! Love you all!-

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