Fall Out Uno

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"Not you you stupid carrot."
The Sidemen burst into laughter, all but one.
The call went silent on Ethan's end. No laughter, no sighs, not even any breathing.
Minutes passed. Though, yes, this seemed strangely normal, Simon could feel something was wrong.
"Ethan?" Simon checked the skype call, noticing that Ethan had left. Now his carrot was frozen in time, and the game was choosing Ethan's cards for him.
"Guys, where's Ethan?"
Josh and Vik paused, listening for the sound of Ethan.
Nothing. Just emptiness.
"I don't know!" Josh checked the call too, before sighing. "Simon?"
"Yeah. I'm on it."
Simon left his seat, picking himself up and carrying himself to the front door. He needed to find Ethan, he needed to help him.
But he could be anywhere, anywhere in the world.
Well, Essex, at least.
Simon got into the car, sighing as he opened the door. He'd best go to Ethan's house, because if there was any place he'd be, it'd be there.
Simon shook his head, and then turned the key.
Quickly, and also quite panicky, Simon sprinted up to Ethan's house, fumbling in his pocket as he disposed of his keys. Where the fuck was Ethan? Usually he'd be home and you could hear his screams from outside, but not today. Now was a time of something Simon had questioned.
This was all our fault, he thought, if we hadn't bullied him he wouldn't have quit.
He banged on the door, expecting either his parents or no one. He sighed, before the door slowly creaked open and a face popped out.
Ethan lay a firm hand on Simon's shoulder, and slowly emerged, his arm bruised and cut, and his fingers weak. He looked annoyed, super annoyed, and he sighed.
Ethan shook his head, and snapped it back as Simon tried to kiss his lips.
Ethan felt a tear slip out of his eye, and in desperation, jumped into Simon's open arms, who squeezed him shut in a loving embrace.
"Ethan Sweetheart it's ok..." Simon whispered, his lips gently running Ethan's forehead in an adorable matter. Yes he did want to make Ethan feel better, but getting too close at this time could make things awkward.
The little Sidemen buried his head into Simon's chest, who heard weeping. With a gently hand, he rubbed the back of Ethan's head, who continued to cry.
"I'm so sorry Ethan..."
Ethan muttered something Simon didn't quite catch. God sometimes Simon wished he could hear Ethan's secrets, but he knew that he would let a few slip.
Ethan looked up, his eyes red, and his face crackled. The poor thing, Simon thought, It's all our fault.
"What about the other dickheads?"
"I'll sort them out." Simon smiled, slowly moving towards Ethan's hand. Gently, but quickly, he snatched his hand, and Ethan flinched, but Simon knew how much he loved him.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
Ethan sighed softly, but Simon could see the corners of his mouth curling up.

-Hope you enjoyed this one! I don't really remember which video this was based off but the one I've got is close enough!-

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