Real Life None Photoshopped Footage

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Josh giggled, picking up the camera to the side of the pool and turning it on. Vik watched with eager eyes as the bearded Sideman turned the camera to face them and pressed the record button.
The Sidemen had taken a trip on holiday, and to a beautiful private hotel. Harry had pissed off somewhere, but the rest were taking a swim in the pool (except JJ, who was lay on the deck chair getting cocktails and other similar drinks).
"Hey guys, this is just a really quick vlog but I felt this was something you needed to see."
Josh kept his voice low, and Tobi looked behind him.
"You see, you guys have this 'Emon' ship, but to be real with you, you don't know exactly what Emon is."
Josh smiled. Emon was the ship between Ethan and Simon, who were conveniently behind them. This was the main reason why he wanted to record, to prove it to the fans.
Quietly, Josh turned around and zoomed the camera in on the pair, who were located in the corner of the pool, stuck in a heated kiss. You could see Ethan's hands under the water moving over Simon's legs, and at one point, the flicker of Simon's tongue.
"There. That's what Emon is. Right there."
Tobi pointed over to the two, and made a heart with his hands. Josh smiled.
"There you go." Josh said, keeping his camera pointed on the pair, who quite clearly had no idea Josh was filming. "Real life, none photoshopped footage of Emon."
As soon as he spoke the words, the pair pulled away, and Simon's eyes rested on Josh, and then the flashing camera.
Josh began to laugh, struggling out the pool as Simon swam his way over. God he was a quick swimmer, but Josh was lucky and managed to crawl out.
"Alright gotta go Simon's trying to kill me!"
Josh screamed, and slammed his hand down on the record button.

-It's nice to see people reading and enjoying these. Thank you all for playing your part!-

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