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-Written Late 2014-

"Let's practice before we actually start. I'll go with Vik, and you go with Ethan."
Josh, Simon, Vik and Ethan were sat at the kitchen table, discussing the video they were about to shoot. It was going to be a giant scrabble tournament, but Ethan had complained he didn't know how to play.
As expected, Simon and Ethan would practise together. Out of videos, the pair were almost inseparable, probably because the relationship between the two was extremely strong. Best friends usually are anyways.
Simon sat across from Ethan, and set up the scrabble board. He was going to show Ethan how to play, but he had a plan that would defy all.
Simon put an O on the board to begin, and they both took seven from the pile.
For Simon's idea to go to plan, he had to wait it out and get the right letters. So far, he had an i, e, l and some other letters that didn't matter.
So Simon told Ethan how to play, and Ethan struggled. Eventually he got the hang of it, making mistakes every so often that would make Simon laugh.
Simon looked at his letters. An L, I, O, E, Y, V and a C. The c was useless to him, so whilst Ethan wasn't looking, put it back and swapped it for another letter.
U. It was only worth one point, but it was last letter he needed to make his message.
"Yo, Ethan I can use all this on one word!"
"Is that allowed?"
Simon nodded.
"Yep. I'm doing it now anyways."
He found a spare O, and placed the letters gently, smiling slightly as he did so.
"What's it say?"
"Read it."
Ethan read it in his mind, then said it aloud.
"Simon it says I love you."
A smirk snaked up Simon's face. Hopefully Ethan would take the hint and maybe not take it as a joke. Because it wasn't. Simon had a strong feeling for Ethan, one that some teenage girls would have on some pop singer.
If he had to, Simon would say he had a crush on Ethan.
But in extreme cases, he'd say Ethan was the light of his life.
"Yeah, yes it does."
"Oh that's lovely!"
Then Ethan read it again and stopped. His face slowly got warmer and went red.
"Wait... Simon..."
Simon leaned back in his chair, and continued to smirk.
"A-are you for real?!"
Simon nodded, and Ethan opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.
"I'll show you just how sure I am."
Simon looked over to Vik and Josh, who were luckily wrapped up in their game.
He climbed up onto the table, moving the scrabble board out the way, and crawling so he was in front of Ethan. His friend knelt up on his chair, and they came in level, and Simon smiled in a way that made Ethan's face redden.
Ethan didn't see it coming, but all he felt was something fantastic press against his lips and trap him in a heated kiss.
Hands and noises, and then sweat and hair. Ethan's little adorable noise he made, and the gently feel of each other's breath. Every moment he could Simon kissed more hungrily, making sure he could get every part of Ethan. His tongue was eager to fly free and explore, but Simon tried to tell it to stop.
Ethan, however, didn't give a shit.
Simon made a desperate groan as Ethan shoved his tongue deep into Simon's mouth. Simon was actually so glad they could both hold the need for fresh air for so long, because Simon didn't want it to end.
Ethan was using all of his mouth to get the best of Simon. He was overpowering now, licking his insides dry and covering Simon in his saliva so much it dripped all over his chin.
And his teeth! How did Ethan use his teeth like he did? Simon was willing to bet money this wasn't the best Ethan could do; he was saving it for another day.
He gagged slightly as Ethan's tongue tickled at his throat, but he grabbed Ethan's head so that he couldn't pull away just yet.
And then he used his teeth again, and move saliva dribbled out Simon's mouth, and there were more groans of pleasure.
"Umm, guys..."
Ethan and Simon's eyes shot open, and stared at each other for a second, before they looked over to Josh and Vik, who were sat in disgust.
Simon gently pushed Ethan off him, and whipped the saliva off of his face.
"I-It's not what you- oh what am I kidding of course it's what you think Ethan and I just god damn full on made out on the kitchen table."
Josh nodded, trying to avoid eye contact. To be honest, they all were.
Except Vik, whose eyes were darting around like an excited little boy.
"You could have done it somewhere else."
"There's a reason behind it."
There was silence, and Ethan shifted uneasily.
"I... Um... I'm just gonna..."
Ethan got up and walked out, and they heard his feet running to somewhere.
"I'll find him." Simon offered, getting up. To be honest, the others probably wouldn't.
"Ok, but hurry, we need to start this video."
Simon nodded, and ran off to find Ethan in the living room, lay on the sofa, staring into space.
"Come on Ethan, we need you man..."
Ethan sighed, and looked up at Simon.
"Moné I..."
He sat up slowly.
"Ethan, come on. What's up?"
"Nothing, I just felt really uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry."
Ethan smiled, slightly.
"Don't say that. It seems as though that was an accident. And if it was then fuck it was amazing for an accident."
"Don't worry, it wasn't."
Ethan smiled, and rested his head on his hand.
"That's good to know. Now kiss me and then we can go back."
Simon laughed, rolling his eyes, and flickered his tongue tauntingly.
"Only if I get to hold your hand on camera when we play scrabble."
"Simon that's like-"
"Fine no kiss."
Ethan rolled his eyes.
"Fine. Don't make it obvious."
"Don't make me jizz my pants before we start."
Ethan laughed, and they collied again.

-An update? On Saturday?!
Yes I have updated. Twice a week isn't enough to cover everything - twice would only just cover 100 a year. I'm thinking of updating three times every fortnight. Or should I upload three times ever week? What do you guys think?-

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