First Aid

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Ethan was his favourite first aider, because he found himself in first aid a lot, and Ethan was always wanting to help him.


For the forth time this week, Simon sat on the chair for the first aid care. Simon was often running about, but many of the others would tackle him whilst playing football, because they were jealous of his skills.

Actually, this time, he'd just fallen over, and needed either a plaster or bandage.

He blinked, looking up at the first aider walking towards him. Strange, Simon was a lot taller then all of them here, and a little older than a few. Simon knew he was definitely older than Ethan, because Ethan was born in June of 95, and Simon was in September 92.


Simon slowly stood, looking over to the lady. Usually, they'd refer to them as Mr, or Miss, but they knew Simon well, and so it didn't matter.

"First door on the left."

She held open the door for him, and he hobbled into the corridor.

Now Simon knew the rooms in the corridors were for serious cases. There was only four rooms; Brown, Coleman, Price, and Payne.

They called themselves this, even though the were the same age as Simon and most of the other kids. They were just learning first aid for the future, and had volunteered as First Aiders.

Simon looked up at the door, reading 'Payne' across the plaque. He smiled to himself, and took a deep breath, before pushing the door open.


Simon smiled warmly, and shut the door, slowly wobbling over to Ethan, who was sat by the desk with open arms. He collapsed into them, and Ethan held him in a welcoming hug, before letting the taller boy free.

"What have you done this time, Si?"

"Fell over," Simon looked up at Ethan with sparkly eyes. "Playing football with those fuckers, God they use me."

"At least you can kick a ball." Ethan laughed, patting Simon's shoulder. "I can't play football to save my life."

Simon smiled, laughing to himself. Oh Ethan was defiantly his favourite by far.

"Alright, show me what you did."

Simon rolled up his joggers, and revealed a cut on his knee, and a bruise and graze underneath.

"Wow, you wimp!"

"I only came because I wanted to see you."

"That's cute." Ethan giggled, running gently fingers across the bruise and graze. "You poor thing, this cut looks worse then I thought."

Simon shuffled at Ethan's touch. He was beginning to grow on him, a lot. Ethan wasn't only making him come because of him, but he was also making Simon's heart tight, and made him feel love sick.

"Don't move Moné. You've got to be still."

Simon even loved that nickname. No one else called him that, Ethan was the only person who'd ever called him that.

Ethan's fingers ran across the cut, and Simon gritted his teeth. God it hurt, it was freshly cut.

Ethan took out a wipe, cleaning the graze and cut, before cutting a dressing strip to size to fit his cut.


And even though he was done, Ethan continued to gently trace Simon's leg, and his bruise, and looked up at him.

Simon could see the sparkle in his eye, and watched him shuffle forwards.

"God Simon, you're so... Beautiful..."

"Thank you..." Simon looked away, and then straight back, his cheeks burning red. "I really like you Ethan."

"Me too. So much so, that I might just like you more than a friend.."

"Are you allowed to flirt with me?"

"I dunno, why? You scared?"

Simon shook his head, and felt Ethan roll down his trouser leg.

"Just take the plaster off whenever you wish. Don't keep it on too long."

Ethan stood, and Simon stood with him. The silence was soft, and with a gently smile, Simon moved himself level with Ethan and battered his eye lashes.

"Do you love me too?"

"Of course I do."

It was soft, it was quick, but neither the less, it meant more than the world to both of them. Nothing more; no tongues, no inappropriate touching, nothing. Just a short but extremely sweet kiss.

Ethan smiled as they pulled away, and stroked a hand down Simon's face.

"Take care Sweetheart. Be careful next time."

"I will do."

Ethan smiled, and Simon opened the door and stepped out.

"I love you."

Simon looked back, and smiled.

"Love you too."

-So I just watched Ethan's new The Forest video and he threw a molotov in the water... There's no way he would be smart enough to become a doctor, let alone a first aider!-

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