Mystery Disease

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He was diagnosed with it a week ago. It wasn't like anything we'd seen before. He's been lying on the sofa for days now, and he doesn't move and barely speaks and we have to do everything for him. All we can do is hope the doctor could do something about it.
Until one day, we came into the room, and he was lay unconscious.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Minter, but your partner seems to have caught a serious disease in which we can't seem to figure out."
"What do you mean? You're a doctor!"
"Yes, Mr. Minter, but this seems to be a different disease we've never seen before, caused by something we're currently working on."
"But can you help him?"
The doctor nodded and left the room, leaving Mr Minter stranded in the waiting room.
"What happened?"
Simon took the seat next to Josh, stretching his legs as he did so.
"Doctor said he's caught a disease that they've never seen before." Simon began, his eyes darting around the room before finally stopping to rest them on Josh. "They're trying to help him."
Josh rubbed Simon's back, and sighed.
"It's hard, buddy. We'll all miss him."
Simon had more worries. He could potentially die. He could be unconscious for weeks. It could get worse.
Simon didn't know how he'd do without Ethan.
Since Ethan was diagnosed with a disease the Sidemen house was incredibly quite; Josh no longer whistled songs in the morning whilst getting breakfast, Vik no longer felt like his normal jolly self, and Simon couldn't bare sitting in the living room where Ethan used to lie.
Even JJ was quite, and he wasn't even there when Ethan became ill.
It felt so lonely without Ethan. Simon had usually vlogged every few days and informed everyone how Ethan was doing, and Ethan had laughed and grab out at Simon and asked him to get him something, or maybe just to hug him, but now all he could say was 'he's still sick.'
He couldn't even be arsed to upload content. He'd told his subscribers that because Ethan was diseased he wasn't in the mood to upload, so every day he'd have to upload a two to three minute video keeping the subs up to date.
And his Twitter would always be flooded with people asking how Ethan was, and things related to how much Simon cared about Ethan, and, Simon's personal favourite, Emon things.
Something jumped onto Simon, who groaned and tugged the bedsheets over his head.
"Come on Dickhead, we're going to visit Ethan, apparently he's better."
Simon let out a groan, and Josh climbed off of him, ruffling his hair and chuckling.
"Don't make me drag you out of bed."
Simon looked up at Josh, his eyes tired and droopy. Since Ethan was gone, Simon never wanted to wake up, and he'd just want to lie in the sheets and stay there until Ethan came back and snuggled with him.
Josh took hold of Simon and dragged him out of the bed, and onto the floor. He didn't want to get up. He wanted to lie in bed and cry until Ethan was well and fit.
"Alright, but Ethan will miss you!"
Josh left Simon alone shivering on the bedroom floor, and tired.
With a tired yawn, Simon eased himself of the floor and over to his wardrobe. He had to hope he had clean clothes; he hadn't been in the mood for washing his clothes. If not he'd have to make a trek downstairs to grab a spare Sidemen shirt.
And that's what he had to do. He picked up the first one he lay his eyes on and shoved it over his head. Luckily it was his size, and so fitted snuggly.
Simon struggled out of the room, and looked around the corridors for Josh.
"Come on Simon, we need to go!"
With a lazy sigh, he made his way to the front door where Vik, Josh and JJ stood.
"Well Simon," Josh stared up and down him as he pulled on his trainers. "That's not your shirt is it?"
Simon rolled his eyes, following his friends out the door and locking it behind them.
"Come on, let's just fucking go. I'm not here for your messing about."

It made him nervous, sat in the hospital whilst they waited for the doctor. Simon was never really fond of hospitals, he'd go if he had to but if he could manage avoiding them then he'd do so.
The doctor turned around the corner, beckoning Simon and his friends around to Ethan's room. They followed her, Simon's hands shaking in fear for Ethan's life, before she showed them where he was and left.
Simon followed Josh through the curtain, JJ and Vik hot on his tail, to where there was a hospital bed. Wrapped up in the bed lay Ethan, his eyes shut, his body looked weak and there were various tubes of icky red liquid labeled on the desks.
"Oh look at him..." Josh whispered, and they all stepped forwards to get a better look. "The poor guy looks so sick."
"Be careful with the tubes JJ." Vik said. JJ was investigating the tubes of blood samples, looking at everyone with caution and care.
"Vik you're scientific." JJ waved a hand over to Vik. "Come here."
The little Indian made his way over to the black man, and stared at the blood sample JJ was pointing to.
"Looks like it's in his blood." Vik murmured, scratching his chin. The specks in the blood looked black, and they squirmed around in the liquid. "Little viruses or something."
Simon queasily swallowed, then looked back down at Ethan, placing a hand on his hot, sweat forehead.
"Ethan? Ethan can you hear me?"
An eye twitched. His nose snuffled.

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