I Need You

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That's what I am.
I'm a mess.
And I know I shouldn't be,
But I know I am.
I don't know how
I don't know why
I just need you
By my side.
Oh, help,
I might be dying,
Because I can't feel my bones
And my body's given up.
I need your comfort,
You make me right,
Just please, come here,
And stop this fight.

He sighed, and felt a tear slip down his face.

And I'm sorry that I said I hated you,
I'm sorry that I ever hurt you,
Just please, please, please,
Come back to me,
I'm so alone without you here.

Simon began to cry. Once again, he was talking to himself, but he couldn't help it.

He'd fallen out with Ethan, again. He was a mess. He was lonely. He needed Ethan, but he wasn't going to come back.

I'm an idiot. And I know it. I shouldn't have said what I said, and I'm sorry for what I have done. I'm a mess without you. Just look at me, come back and tell me everything will be ok. Tell me I'll be fine. Tell me I'll be ok. Tell me you care.

There was a silence, before Simon began to cry more.

Ethan please...
I'm an idiot. I know. I'm stupid, ignorant, selfish, disgusting. I'm a mess. I don't deserve to still be here, alive, crying, talking, screaming, but I am.
And it's because of you.
I need you here, Ethan. I'm weak, useless. I might be dead, I might be dying, but I can't help but think of you.

Simon screamed.

I'm alone.
I'm unsafe.
I'm scared.
I'm a mess.
But I'm cruel.
And you're better off without me.
But I need you.
I need you to stay sane.
Come back.
Come back to me.
Hold me.
Talk to me.
Tell me everything will be okay.
Only you can help me.

Simon closed his eyes, letting the tears fall.

I need you.

-It doesn't rhyme. It wasn't supposed to. But I hope it sounded good.-

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