Jihyun loved the power bullying gave her, wether I reacted by ignoring her or losing my shit at her and defending myself like crazy. It was all the same to her. It was all she wanted.

But before now I had nothing to lose. She could have all the power she wanted for all I cared. This time, however, I couldn't let her do that. I couldn't let her take the relationship I cared about away from me.

This time I didn't lose my shit and needlessly defend myself. I didn't ignore her. I crouched down on the floor and began to cry. Something I had never done before.

I was genuinely crying—and like every time I let my emotions out, it started out with the reason I was hurt at the moment and then gradually all the built up pain came out as well, turning from quiet tears to aggrieved screams.

"Look at her, she's such a crybaby" Jihyun sneered.

"J-Jihyun, I think we went too far" Hyomin stuttered.

"Yeah, this is too much" Sunhee chimed in "let's just leave, for now"

"Are you guys crazy? She's a slut!" Jihyun yelled back "she deserves this"

All of Jihyun's bullying thus far was psychological and verbal, never physical. So when I felt her harsh kick at the side of my stomach, it took me by surprise—but, I couldn't react. I was too numb to even feel it.

"That's it, I'm out" Sunhee said, grabbing her bag off the ground and leaving.

"Y-Yeah me too" Mina said, hesitantly "she's already a freak so it's not far fetched that she'll do something like suicide and then we'd get the blame for it."

Wether it was compassion, selfishness or pity, it didn't matter. They were leaving.

The only people left now were Jihyun, Hyomin and my uncontrollable sobs.

"Jihyun, let's go." Hyomin urged as she attempted to pull Jihyun away, but the girl wouldn't budge. "Fine have it your way then"

All the minions were gone now, so it was just me and her—it somehow made her scarier, but I didn't care. She was already kicking me and spitting out the cruelest words she could think of. What more could she do? Kill me? Sure why not. I don't care anymore.

"W-Why?" I asked, mid sobs. I was willing to make a bet because my gut told me that maybe if we were alone, she would tell me? "Why a-are you doing this to m-me?" I asked once more, voice cracking through choked sobs.

"It's because you took jungkook away from me" Bullshit.

"No" I disputed, my tone more assertive as I began to sniff back my tears. I looked up at her and slowly started to get up with my hand over my stomach.

I hadn't realized she had kicked me so much

"This started long before you guys dated and you know that very well Jihyun"

Her eyes widened for a second before she grew silent and began to avert her gaze.

"You know that I wasn't the girl who was making out with Hyeri—I was never cool enough for her, so why are you doing this?"

Once I began talking, I couldn't stop. I had too many questions.

"Why would go as far as to say it to my mum?

Why do you publicly humiliate me?

What about the fake nudes?

What did I ever do to you? Huh?


Why are you bullying me, Jihyun?"

My face had turned red from anger. I was practically screaming at her.

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