"Don't hurt Jena" He simply said.

What does he mean?. Why would I even hurt Jena?

I know within myself that I will never hurt her. She's one of my friends now. And friends doesn't hurt each other.

"She really felt bad when her fiancee hurt her. I hope you understand why I'm being overprotective. I just want to see for myself, the guy who will make her happy. And that's you" He pointed at me.

Me?. I'll make her happy?. Well I can make her happy...As a friend. I think I know where this Is going.

"Jay. Dinner's ready" Jena looked surprised when she saw me talking to that guy. I still don't know his name; For he wasn't able to introduced himself.

"Rain. Dinner's ready" She said.

He's Jena's brother?.

He went up the stairs and I decided to go In the kitchen.

"Your brother Is really overprotective of you" I said; As I helped her arranged the plates and glasses.

"I'm so sorry If he acts like that." She apologized.

Well she don't need to apologize. I understand why her brother wants to talk to me. He just want to make sure that Jena wouldn't be hurt again.

Speaking of hurt. Her brother mentioned to me something earlier. That she used to have a fiancee?. I guess were In a same situation. I used to have a fiancee too; Unfortunately, She left me.

Well I don't know what really happened to Jena before; So I might just well ignore It first. Besides, I'm her friend now. I don't want to see my friends sad.

I wonder If she has already moved on.

Her brother came In the kitchen; As he was pushing a wheelchair. An old man was seated on the It; And he looks glad.

"You're the boyfriend of Jena?" He suddenly asked.

"Dad!. He's just my friend" Jena defensively said.

Well I don't mind. Her Dad must have mistaken me as Jena's boyfriend.

We started eating. Jena really knows how to cook. This Is the best roasted chicken I have ever tasted.

"I would be glad to make halvasi for your family" I offered.

They started wondering; As they were looking at each other.

"What's halvasi?" Her brother asked.

"It's a dessert" I answered.

"Hmm. Sounds good to me" Her dad said.

"Actually, Jay Is very busy." Jena suddenly said.

"Are you?" Her brother asked; As he raised his eyebrows.

"No. It's fine." I honestly said.

Jena looked at me surprisingly. Well I'm not busy; So It's really fine with me.

After eating, I decided to go home.

"I'm Rain" her brother said.

"I'll keep that in mind" I replied.

"And I'm Raymond" Her dad said.

I nodded In reply.

"Come back again; some other time. We'll be waiting for your halvasi" Rain said.

I waved goodbye at them; As I went out of their house.

Jena followed me.

"Take care" She said.

"Thanks." I smiled In return.

I decided to walk; Since my house Is not that far from her house.

I was able to enjoy a lot. Jena Is really lucky to have a family like that.


Thanks for reading my story guys:)). Please vote and leave your comments. Godbless all of you!:))

Special shoutouts to:
NikkiWWE1 Rapunzel09 DianneRiparip KittenGirlidk NikkiWWE1PlayingIt  KarenRampaigerBoss snowlve_dina TayyabaIqbal

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