Chapter 1

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I'm not sure how long ago it was when I first saw him, staring down at the oldest gravestone in his a long, black cloak. He captured my attention instantly and I remember how dark and mysterious he seemed. But, why, or maybe, how, did he manage to always show up when I did? And why has he never raised his eyes to me? His massive height alone was intimidating yet mesmerizing--and at the time, I assumed he was there for the same reason I'd been coming every day for five months since my brother died.

Zack was my best friend and he died saving someone else's life. A firefighter's duty, I'm supposed to believe. Everyone still tries to comfort me by saying he died doing what he loved but they don't understand. I no longer have my big brother to protect me...especially from myself.

After our parents died three years ago, only blocks from our house, I became a different person. The drunk driver who plowed into them during their nightly walk just kept going. Back then, I had no idea what depression was until I was in the strangle hold of its dark abyss.

My phone chirps and I look down to see a text from Aunt Kelly.

"Where are you?"


"Be home in a few." I type back.

Something catches my eye and I look up, realizing the guy who's always staring down at the creepy headstone is now staring straight at me. There's only a slice of sun left over the horizon and he's far enough away so I can't quite make out his face, but he looks young--like me. The second our eyes lock he turns away and heads toward the forest as his heavy black, cloak whips around his body--almost like a second skin. 

A little much for a fall night in Texas.

Until now, I've never been close enough to make out his features, only his black hair creeping over the edges of a high collar. His stride is athletic and long and I notice right away he's got to be over six feet tall.

My breath suddenly catches when he glances back at me one last time. For a millisecond, he practically holds my eyes before turning away and walking into the woods. I watch, completely in awe as he navigates through heavy brush until the trees and vines have finally swallowed him up.

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