Len Kagamine x Reader

Start from the beginning


The next morning walking into the school you felt like you were just dancing on clouds and you were a cloud yourself. You walked beside Len, his arm wrapped lovingly and sweetly around your waist with you tucked to his side making your heart skip quickly and a smile to form on your lips. 

Just being near him was almost enough for you to forget how he'd been acting as of lately. Almost. You still felt afraid sometimes, like Len might lash out angrily like he did a couple times now but he didn't which made your happiness swell more than your fear of his unpredictability. 

As you walked through the halls, the sweet smell of Len filling your senses you noticed a shock of dark blue hair and you felt guilt swell inside of you. You longed to run after Kaito, to talk to him and explain what was wrong but Len's arm tightened possessively around your waist in such a way you felt like slapping him away surprisingly. 

"Len, I need to go to the science room real quick. I'll see you in class okay?" You looked up at him from under your lashes making his expression melt and you smiled when he leaned down kissing you softly making your heart flutter. 

"Alright. But be there before the bell rings." Len whispers against your lips making your heart skip rapidly just standing there and you nodded numbly, your cheeks burning just softly as you smiled then Len let you go and you ran down the hall quickly. 

You reached the stairwell running up the stairs fast as you could and when you reached the next floor you ran forward seeing the familiar shock of blue hair and you ran after it watching him turn into the science room and you paused sucking in deep, calming breathes as a few students walking past gave you a weird look and as you caught your breath you walked to the science room opening the door and shutting it behind you looking across the room at Kaito. You walked forward a couple of steps towards him as he turned around looking at you and there was an emotion in his eyes you saw in Len's sometimes.

"Kaito?" You softly said as you looked at him and he walked forward quickly, his long blue muffler drifting gently and you stepped backwards until your back, surprisingly, touched the wall and you didn't remember backing up that fast but then again you didn't remember Kaito coming so close you that his hands rested on either side of your shoulders making your heart stutter in your chest. What was with him? This wasn't like him in the slightest bit! 

"(Your Name)." Kaito murmured looking down at you, his blue eyes dark and before you could even say "what" he leaned down capturing your lips in a kiss that made your eyes widen slowly. 

You stood still as a rock as Kaito kissed you gently, his lips moving against yours slowly until you seemed to melt and you couldn't even say you were unwilling as your arms wrapped around Kaito's shoulders pulling him closer as you began to kiss him back. What the hell were you doing? You're with Len! Len! But even as you screamed it to yourself you were more acute feeling to Kaito, his lips on yours and the way he was pinning you to the wall tightly, his hips pressing to yours equally just as tight and your heart began to pick up faster and faster as the kiss between you and him began to burn and sizzle with a growing lust and arousal when the door was slammed open. 

"What the hell!" Miku screamed as the both of you broke away, your face a beat red but you felt guilt, so intense, fill you and you felt tears rise in your eyes when you saw Len standing right behind Miku. 

"Len...Oh god Len I'm so sorry." You choked out noticing faintly how Kaito tensed up faintly when you said Len's name and you stepped away from the blue haired Vocaloid towards the blonde one but Len backed away making your tears slip down. 

"I can't even speak to you. I just fucking knew you'd do this to me however." Len sad quietly as his glazed over blue eyes met yours, that red spark in his pupils seeming to grow and then tears welled in his own eyes. "I can't believe you would do this." 

"Len I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! Please believe me that this is the first time me and Kaito have ever kissed I promise!" You choked out as your tears clogged up your throat and dripped down your cheeks in salty lines. 

"How can I believe you. I don't even know you right now." Len whispered before he turned leaving and you rushed forward past Miku watching Len walk to the stairwell quick like and with Kaito shouting your name then whispering and assuring Miku you ran away without looking back. 

Your tears made it a bit hard to see but not impossible and you rushed up the stairs fast as you kept sight of Len's blonde hair and you felt your heart cracking. How could you have done this? How could you have let Kaito kiss you, much less respond to him?

 You ran up the stairs fast as you could and when you reached the third floor-finally and blessedly- you ran down the hall looking back and forth frantically when you noticed blonde hair and you ran after it fast recognizing Len's back immediately as he walked into a class room. You knew it was the study hall room but the period wasn't in session now and you ran to the room throwing the door open and you looked at Len leaning against the desk, how he rubbed his cheeks. 

"Len." You whispered walking forward, stumbling a bit as your tears continued to run down and you leaned against a desk. "Len I'm so sorry. I love you I really do." 

"Say I'm the only one for you, that I'm the only one you love and that you'd give everything up, even your life, for me. Then maybe I can forgive you." Len's voice was eerily calm but he was rubbing his cheeks hard and you could see, plain as day, the glistening tears on his cheeks. 

"You're the only one for me, the only one I love! I'd give up everything, my whole life, for you and is yours!" You rushed the words out hoping he'd say 'I forgive you!' but he didn't and that made you feel so alone in that moment. How could something so sweet, so nice between them change to something so cold and distant? "Len-" He then whipped around, his hands wrapped tightly around your throat and your eyes widened as your hands moved up instinctively to grip his wrists tightly. 

"If you really mean that, then you'll be mine. Always and forever. Isn't that what you said when we began dating? That you'd love me always and forever, that you'll always be mine?" Len questioned as his hands clenched tighter and tighter around your throat making your air slowly close off and you gasped for air, your heart hammering against your chest with your panic, your lungs beginning to scream for air. 

"Le-Len!" You gasped out thickly and brokenly as you tried to push his hands away but they just tightened more and more making your body tremble and you looked up into his eyes and you surprisingly didn't feel that scared, maybe it was him choking you that scared you more than his eyes ever could. 

His hands tightened as a large, eery grin slid over his lips hugely and his eyes-no longer blue- were a bright, blood red with a reddish gleam in them that reflected red light back at her like he was an animal and he laughed out then chuckled through his grin as his hands tightened around your throat painfully and your vision began to blur, darkness creeping in on the edges of your vision as your lungs screeched for fresh air and your throat throbbed softly with the pain of his squeezing. 

"If I can't have you, then no one can! I love you more than anyone so only I deserve you! Only mind, for now and forever!" He chuckled out, his tone tinged and dripping with his insanity and yet, as his red gleaming eyes burned into you, you couldn't help but smile ever so faintly and sadly at him as tears welled in your eyes. 

You couldn't hate him, not as your oxygen was being cut off and as he watched, with rapt insane happiness as you choked to death, you couldn't bring a single ounce of hate into your body. For some reason you always knew, that if you were to die at anyone's hands or be brought to death in any way, you were happy it would be Len. Your tears ran down your temples gently as your vision became a spider web almost of black that was slowly cutting out Len's image. 

You couldn't feel your lips moving as you whispered to him but you could very distinctly feeling your last sighing tiny breath snake out and you felt your heart stop. Even as you drifted out away from your body, you couldn't hate him. Maybe not ever. After all-you grinned slightly- you have done the same thing for him. You killed for him, because he was yours. Right?

Just Say You Love Me! (Yandere Vocaloids x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now