Chapter Forty-Six

Start from the beginning

I tensed. "Don't get shot," I pleaded, "Please don't get shot." Jameson looked instantly taken aback by my desperation and hysteria. That's why I was surprised when he pulled me in for a hug.

"I won't, you stay safe and I'll stay safe, I promise." He promised me before quickly pulling away just as I relaxed into the hug. We nodded at the deal he had proposed before saying our reluctant goodbyes.

Jameson made me leave first, just so he could make sure I was safely tucked away in the academy's security. I shut the door behind me and peered through the glass to see Jameson smiling at me, beckoning for me to go. I gritted my teeth before turning my back on him and walking away, making my way up to Cassie's dorm room as Kim was my replacement guardian.

I met Harry on the way up and we fell into a very uncomfortable silence as we walked down the corridor. I knew he had a thing for me, and I wasn't really interested to be honest.

I spotted the number eleven and felt my heart elate, speeding up to run away from this awkward situation. Before I could knock, I found that Harry had gotten way more than guardian close to me.

I refrained from gagging and instead knocked harshly on the door, slowly losing my patience and also losing feeling in my knuckles. The door swung open and I was immediately embraced in a hug.

"SKYEY!" She shouted whilst simultaneously bursting my eardrum. I winced and retorted back instantly.

"Is that going to be an ongoing nickname now?" I asked, annoyance seeping out of my words. Cassie just laughed, then it died off awfully when her eyes fluttered behind me, then I remembered the presence of Harry. I frowned, but I had no time to dither as Cassie soon pulled me over to her bathroom.

"Cassie," I started hesitantly, "I'm not sure I need to see this.." I trailed off with a hint of humour in my voice, but I was being very serious; my poor eyes.

Cassie burst out into an overly enthusiastic laughter—sounding almost nervous, but that's not Cassie, "No!" She objected,  pulling out a makeup palette—well, half of a makeup palette. I frowned and Cassie sighed, looking at the palette with so much remorse that I feared she'd already planned it a funeral.

"I need you to help me find the other half, I lost it in here." Cassie told me, her eyes searching the floor. I laughed but helped her nonetheless. I made my way over to the bin after searching around in the cupboards, thinking maybe that she just put it in there by mistake—however one does that. I found it. But I also found something else. It was a pregnancy test box. It was open. What? Why on earth would Cassie need a pregnancy test?

My clammy hands reached for the makeup palette as I decided if I'd ask Cassie for an explanation or not. Maybe later—I told myself—too much of a wimp to confront Cassie about her possible pregnancy. I held up the other half of the palette to Cassie and ignored all the voices in my head that told me to speak up. The over excitable girl immediately thanked me over and over again before shoving me out of the bathroom so that she could urinate. Well, at least I didn't have to watch.

I practically bumped into Harry, the surprise not giving me much time to refrain from swearing. Then, all of a sudden, I was up against the wall and my eyes widened.

"I've always wanted to tell you this but," I didn't like the way he started, and the way his grimy fingertips grazed the skin of my arm just topped it off for me. Without any further thought, I kneed him in the privates, watching as he buckled over and yelped. I scurried away and flopped onto the bed, practically wetting myself with laughter as I thought about telling Jameson what I had done.

After that, the night pretty much sped by, and soon, it was time to get ready for bed. Except, it turns out that Jameson's shifts didn't run on too late, and, so, desperate to share my kick ass moves with him, I found myself sleepily trudging back to my room at twelve am. That's what I call dedication.

Jameson was up, of course, literally—he was standing up by my bed. He was waiting for me, I realised with a soppy heart flutter. It's cute, okay.

He smiled as I entered, "You're safe." Jameson acknowledged.

In return, I offered my own smile. "So are you." I told him, slipping off my shoes.

"So the promise worked then?" He chuckled and I joined in.

I jumped up as I remembered suddenly, "Guess what I did?" I started in excitement, then I way too proudly recited what I did. After getting over the fact that Harry 'molested' me, his words not mine, he gave me a high five and grinned at me, his proud eyes gleaming. I'd get attacked again just to see that gleam.



Did y'all know that this book is set from April onwards in 2016


Have a nice rest of 2017

Love from .... (I couldn't think of anything)

Next update: Wednesday


Some squaddd ;)

Anddd some sexy skoby 😏

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