Chapter Nine

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T h e H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

Haylee handed me the slip of paper, my name at the top and my scores tracking down the page.

"These are your results," She told me, regarding the sheet, "I emailed myself them so I can keep the record but if that fails, I'll need this back to photocopy," I nodded at her then took the sheet from her hand.

I started to head for the door but was interrupted as Haylee spoke once more.

"Oh!" She shouted and I pivoted so that I could look back at her, standing before the door, about to open it.

"You made it into the top section of the year so you will be learning self-defence as well as the usual compulsory PE lessons." A small smile set on my lips, proud of my achievement.

"Thanks." I told her with a nod before pulling open the door. I walked back to the gym and was immediately greeted by Jameson,

"If you didn't spend the last forty minutes doing the initial examination then I'm slightly worried." He raised an eyebrow at me, taking in my most probably messy and sweaty appearance as his eyes set on me.

I scoffed, "I was at the test, don't worry your cotton socks." Jameson huffed at my last comment and I chuckled as I walked into the changing rooms. Since I was the first one there—again—I pulled out my English textbook and started planning my short story assessment.

About halfway through writing my introduction paragraph, I was interrupted by the squeaking of trainers and a collection of chatter. I stuffed my textbook back into my backpack as they all clambered in, knowing there wouldn't be enough room to even breathe, let alone write out my bloody English homework.

After much consideration, I decided to wait until everyone was finished changing to start getting undressed, as the number of girls in the room was making me feel slightly claustrophobic. I picked up my belongings and walked to a bench that was the furthest away from everybody, simply trying to avoid looking at girls underwear whilst trying to observe; there was a lot of gossip flitting around—I wanted to hear it.

When the majority of the girls were finished, and the latest story about a girl I've never heard of needed, I slipped off my trainers and started replacing my PE clothes for my school wear. Then, whilst taming down my unruly and sweat filled hair, I heard a mans voice boom off the walls. I looked up, confused and slightly self-conscious; isn't this a girls changing room?

I turned the corner and I saw our gym teacher, Mr Manwell. I gasped and my eyes widened, he really is a pervert!

I picked up my bags from the bench and walked around the corner, coming face to face with my gym teacher.

"Oh erm hey?" I stuttered for my words, trying as hard as I could to suppress some shock when I knew full well that there was a pervert lurking the gym halls, courtesy of Avery's misfortune. Mr Manwell's eyes widened and his jaw went slack as if he was realising he was in big trouble.

He coughed slightly to regain his causal demeanour, "Sky, what are you still doing here? I was just going to lock up." Lies. Though I must admit, it did sound very convincing. No wonder he hasn't been caught yet.

"Oh, okay then, sorry to get in your way," I said apologetically, "I was actually just leaving so now you can lock up." I offered him a smile as I went to walk past him. He grabbed my wrist and my breath hitched in my throat—I have been here for about a week, and already I'm getting myself into some deep shit? Oh, God.

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