Chapter Twenty-Six

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T h e H o l l o w s O f
H I R A E    T    H

I kicked and kicked until the person stumbled backwards. I shot off, trying to navigate my way around the building. I saw another fire exit up ahead and sped up when I saw one of the doors ajar.

I pushed the doors open and the force sent them slamming against the walls. I tried to close the doors behind me but the person stuck their foot in the way. I couldn't get a good picture of their face—they had a balaclava on—and so, feeling useless, I turned around and bolted.

I recognise this. It was another corridor that leads up to the assembly hall. I sprinted down it and didn't look back. I could hear the thud of the footsteps as the person ran after me.

Something pierced my arm and I screeched in pain. I stumbled slightly but quickly scrambled to my feet. However, much to my dismay, I didn't get away. The person lunged for me and I fell onto the floor. My head hit the ground and I yelled out in agony.

The person was yet again another black figure, but this time they held a gun to my head. I kicked the person in the stomach and the person staggered back, giving me enough time to get away.

I ran straight for the assembly doors and drove straight into them, my push sending them smashing into the walls. Everyone in the hall jumped in shock and turned back. I glanced behind me and saw the person sprinting down the hallway.

I pointed towards the black figure in the distance, but it was too late for the guardians to realise what was happening when they ran in. The guardians all switched into robo-fighter mode and I watched as the guy had them backing away with the gun. Behind me, the teachers were trying to evacuate people.

"Stop!" A shout burst out and a gunshot sounded. The chandelier above my head jolted and I watched with wide eyes as it began to fall. I jumped out of the way as it smashed into the floor tiles, and also my foot. It all went in slow motion, I saw it from afar, and then it was suddenly clipping at the sole of my shoes. I had fallen, twisting my leg in ways it shouldn't—then I heard a crack. I screamed out in pain as I tried to feel my foot.

"No one moves! Or I'll shoot again, and then we'll see what other chandeliers I can drop!" The voice was a male one and belonged to the intruder. The guy walked around the chandelier and towards me.

At first, I tried to move away, but the chandelier had clamped down my foot, and it wasn't helping much. The stranger leaned down and I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing to be shot. But he instead whispered something in my ear.

"Blood is cold and full of flames, it burns with the ferocity of a malicious mystery. Blood is sharper than the knife you were stabbed with." I flinched. I had no idea what he was on about. But it sounded like a threat, nonetheless, or something of the sort, and I my stomach churn.

As I mulled his speech over, the guy rose and cackled. He walked over to the fire exit, that I had left the assembly through, without a word.

"It was nice to meet you, Sky Forest." I shivered as his voice, laced with shadows of menace, echoed my full name, the sound reverberating off walls. Then he pointed the gun at me. It went off.

I saw many people shoot up or freeze, but the pistol had hit another chandelier. It bounced off and hit another small chandelier nearby. It fell just a few metres away from me and I winced as the ground cracked beneath it. I turned back, but the man had left, his previous riddle about blood ghosting in the air.

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