Chapter Seventy-Seven

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^ Sky in the outfit I describe 👇🏼^

"I smiled, and I actually meant it."
—#yourfave, 'The Hollows Of Hiraeth'

T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

After our ice cream feast, in which I—of course—managed to finish my tub and Jameson's, we scoured Netflix for films. Then, after we had gotten through more films than I could count, ranging from horror to corny comedy, I finally drifted off. At first, Jameson let me sleep, then he somehow was able to persuade me to get off my lazy arse and wash.

And so, ten excuses later, here I stand in the bathroom, sleepily washing away my makeup. When I was feeling refreshed, I dabbed at my face with a cloth and then tackled my teeth.

I hadn't had the patience to lock the door when I had sloppily leaned against it in order to close it; lazy, so all I needed to do to get out was turn the doorknob. I did so and walked out in a zombie-like manner, hitting the pillow as soon as I came into contact with my bed. I heard Jameson release a laugh and then he tucked me in.

I heard a patter of footsteps getting further away and then a creak of a door. The door creaked again, and then the lights went out, making it easier for me to fall into a blissful sleep. I snuggled into my pillow, pulling the sheet that lay over me closer to my body. I didn't know whether Jameson intended to leave the ceiling fan on or not, but I appreciated it immensely.

I fell asleep quickly, most probably worn out from today's problems. It seemed as if everything was becoming problematic these days; first off, I'm a problem. I'm a 'special one', meaning my whole life just turned upside down. I needed protection, meaning I needed to leave behind my whole life—my friends, my family, what I had planned for a future, even my damned past.

Of course, Jameson made this problem a whole lot easier to deal with. Had I not been a 'special one', I would have never met Jameson. You could say the situation was bittersweet.

Problem number two: I've made friends, agreeable, now, said friends are becoming complicated. Do they like me? Do they trust me? Do I trust them? I need to talk to them about it—about what I heard between Saph and Avery—but how do you simply ask your so called 'friends' if they are actually your friends? With great difficulty, that's how.

Final problem: Carter. I love him, I really do. But he's my best friend. I don't want to lead him on—I wouldn't hurt him like that. But how do I protect him from hurt whilst hurting his heart? It's an impossible situation.

Honestly, I'm a person of the truth. I do make assumptions, for example, maybe I'm just over-exaggerating the situation with the girls, but I'd ask anyway. So of course, due to this nature, I'd have to eventually talk to Carter.

I lied; one more problem: Jameson. Falling for him means falling into a pit of wrongs; I'd be breaking the rules. What's even worse is that Jameson would get most of the blame.

With all of my problems set out on a mental table, I returned to yet another problem: reality. Fortunately, although I had been assaulted by my problems, or worries, I did drift off—eventually.

Then before I knew it, my body was being shaken. I was confused to say the least. It took me a while to put two and two together, and I jolted up when I realised Jameson was trying to wake me up.

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