Chapter Seventy-Eight

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^ I'm not ashamed that the hill scene in this chapter is based on the field scene from this film ^


T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

"If this hill just exploded, would we still have to climb it?" I asked Jameson, sweat was almost trickling down my face and my hands were clammy. The heat was killing me slowly—so much for a tan.

Shortly after realising we couldn't hold hands, we'd departed the humongous building called the academy, trading the air conditioning for the blazing heat as we stepped outside. I say blazing, but that is probably only the case because Jameson made us climb the tallest hill going. It was the one I'd been gazing at last night, with the gorgeous blossom tree. And if that isn't a sign that Jameson is observant, then I don't know what is.

Jameson laughed at my comment but didn't respond, though. As he reached the top of the hill, the answer was evident.

"Can I crawl the rest of the way?" I whined but Jameson just laughed at me again, outstretching his arm for me to latch onto. I did so and he helped me up the rest of the way.

Once up, I collapsed on the floor and considered rolling down the hill and into that air conditioned building. Though, something tells me that Jameson would somehow stop me before I even rolled over. Again, observant.

"If you're trying to figure out if I'm physically fit or not then you could've just asked me." I complained once more, although, I'm not sure if Jameson heard it as my voice was muffled by the ground.

"Get up," Jameson ordered and seemed to be waiting for me to follow his order. I didn't. Then, suddenly, I felt two arms wind around my waist and pull my body off the floor. Once I had my feet firmly on the ground, the arms loosened their grip, but I was still pressed up against a body. Despite my exhaustion and the sun that was threatening to scorch me, I knew it was Jameson, and I'm not kidding when I say I enjoyed our proximity.

I turned around and faced Jameson, hoping he was reacting the same way as I was. Though, my hopes were soon crushed, because if calm and collected Jameson felt anything in that moment, he definitely didn't show it.

My face must've given me away, as Jameson smiled at me. "There are a lot of people watching us right now," He told me and I frowned, what? So now we have spectators?

"There are?" I asked, most probably sounded stupid beyond words, but no matter my IQ, Jameson's smile grew.

"Of course," He responded as if it was blatantly obvious, then using the arms that were still wound around my waist, he turned my body so that I was facing the building. Whatever he was trying to get me to see, I wasn't seeing it, I was way too focused on Jameson's hands on my waist to give a damn about the so called spectators right now.

"We are on a huge hill, everyone near a window can see." Jameson finished and I nodded, as if I actually registered a single word of that. I subconsciously swivelled back around to face Jameson and I tried not to make it look obvious that I was gazing at his lips.

Jameson unwound his arms and left me so he could walk over to the random bag he had insisted on lugging up here. As Jameson's touch fled, so did the heat that surrounded me. Though, I shouldn't be complaining, since I am literally sweating buckets here.

All of a sudden, something wet and cold splashed me in the face. Now, I know what you're thinking—either a big tsunami has hit or the heat I was talking about wasn't just literal. However, upon opening my eyes, I saw that none of those theories were true, and, instead, I watched as Jameson bent over and laughed, a water gun in his hand. That devious–

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