Slate's eyes narrowed dangerously "You're lucky you're her brother or you'd be on the ground with my teeth around your neck."

"I know." Tanner smirked before making his way inside.

Slate shook his head with an irritated gaze — even if Tanner was an annoying little sh*t, he had to admit that they really were a lot alike. A chuckle escaped his lips. What an amusing thought.

* * *

Tell me why we're here again, the human stench is starting to make me sick Soren growled

Providing for our mate Slate snapped.

Right now he sat at a small Diner on a rainy Saturday morning waiting for his order. It had only been two nights since Slate saw Jade and he was already missing her.

Why don't we just go to her? Soren asked knowing it would tick him off — they were pretty much one person.

Don't you want to make sure our mate is happy? Pancakes are her favourite food. Slate hissed back. Tanner had told him all her favourite things, he hated the fact that another man was taking care of his mate. 

Even if it was her own flesh and blood.

Without so much as a minute to breath a shooting pain blasted through his mind causing him to groan and clutch his head between his hands.

It's the mate bond! Soren all but hissed making the migraine even worse

Slate tried to hear his wolf's voice but the pain kept drowning it out — what are you saying?

The bond lets us feel if our mate is in pain!

Slate didn't need to be told twice.

The only thing he knew was that whatever the hell was killing his head was a quarter of what Jade was going through.

Without paying much attention to the soreness, he ran out of the Diner, ignoring the stares he got he leaped in to his car only to speed off into the direction of her house.

Once again he groaned as another wave of discomfort clutched his mind making it near impossible to contact other Pack members using the mind-link, let alone drive properly.

Slate neared the house when he caught the most foul scent, a certain scent he despised, a scent he feared to pick up any where near his mate.


The car came to a screeching halt right outside Jade's house — his heart jumped into his throat as he saw the front door had been kicked down. 

He couldn't move fast enough.

Any other day he would have felt absolutely elated to pick up her scent but today he knew something was wrong.

"What the f*ck?" Slate muttered as he stopped in his tracks. He saw at least five dead bodies in front of him, dread was the initial emotion that plagued his thoughts but as he got closer he realised they were actually Rogues "Jade!" he yelled out, turning around while trying to ignore the blood that had found itself splattered across the walls.

"Alpha?" he heard a quiet voice say from behind him, he turned around only to face Bentley who had blood all over her.

Slate knew it wasn't hers, he also knew Bentley didn't have the courage to kill — Wait. That scent. That's our mates blood Slate could feel his eyes turn red "where is she" he growled

Bentley teared up "I don't know what happened...I-I was on my way here and then..."

"Just tell me" Slate couldn't help the anger that seeped into his voice, who could blame him? There was destruction everywhere, five dead Rogues and one of his Pack members covered in the blood of his mate.

Bentley held in a sob before nodding her head and turning around, he followed her diligently.

Slate couldn't process the emotions that plagued his mind.

He ran over to his mate that laid on the ground and cradled her in his arms. A part of his heart shattered at the sight of her. He tried his best to wipe some blood away but it seemed like whatever he did he just made things worst.

"Alpha?" Bentley voiced barely above a whisper "What do we do?"

He snapped his head towards her, holding Jade closer to his chest "Find where Tanner is and contact Robert!" Slate hissed letting every single ounce of anguish out.


Slate let a low growl slip through his teeth "Now!"

Bentley didn't feel her limbs moving but before she knew it, she was out of the house contacting the Pack doctor.

Slate cradled Jade in his arms "It's going to be's going to be okay" he whispered into her hair.

Once more he strained his ears to hear her heart beat.

Still there. Thank the Goddess. But she was still hurt


"Jade'' Slate whimpered, pulling away slightly with her head in his arms.

It was at that moment he realised that he would never leave her side again.

Nothing on earth would ever cause him to let her go.

Not again.

Not ever.

Not if he could help it. 

And maybe that thought alone was his undoing

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