Tamar gazed at the night sky, in awe of its beauty and the metaphor it now displayed for her. But even so she found her eyes drifting towards the mysterious moon. Half hidden in shadows, she still knew so little of it. The curiosity of the Fallens gripped her. She craved further knowledge of who they were, what they looked like.

“It is your choice how your story plays out Innocent, not ours.” Abednego offered. “Our lives will turn on moments like these.”

Tamar, Evalynis and Abednego talked through the night, sharing stories of the both their homes. They watched the sunrise over the mountains to the East.


As they strolled back to house Abednego and Evalynis spoke in quickened whispers just ahead of Tamar as she took in the beautiful landscape that gently rose around her in the morning sun. They stopped sharply and flanked her either side.

“Tamar, before we sleep, there is something we feel you need to see – to make all this – real.” Evalynis said encouragingly.

“Alright...” Tamar agreed looking from one to the other. “What is it?”

“The Noble left us something to encourage us in times of need. It records all we need to hold to and it is how we know of your coming and how you could be-”

“The book of Truth,” Evalynis interrupted, “is kept and copied for everyone in the lands to read. Our copy is kept just outside of the town, so that any Fallen may read it if they wish. We would like to take you to see it for yourself; we understand how new this is to you.”

Tamar thought a moment and agreed. “Yes, I’d like to see it. Part of me still thinks I’m asleep.”

“I can assure you - you are not,” Abednego confirmed, “although we did think you would know more about what you are here for than we do.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you...” she mumbled, feeling ashamed for letting them think she was someone she clearly was not.

“Do not be sorry!” Evalynis urged squeezing Tamar’s arm affectionately. “Although we preach to you this is a time of joy! You have come to us and we are grateful! We want to aid you in every way we can.”

“Thank you...” Tamar smiled still feeling guilty. “I’d like to help you somehow too, if I can.”

“I am most certain you will.” Evalynis encouraged as Abednego looked down to the ground, unsure of whether to share his sisters’ sentiments.

The three walked back past the cottage and down the lane towards the gate. It was exceptionally peaceful in the village as a morning breeze passed through while street lanterns flickered out after a nights burning. Abednego stepped aside and offered the ladies to pass first while Evalynis lead the way through the gate and beyond into a small copse of willow trees like none Tamar had ever seen. Each branch was a double and twisted down with petal like leaves sprouting out alongside the occasional tiny white flower. Each flower gave a tiny glow, like petite fairy lights scattered through the foliage. Evalynis walked on ahead and her bright hair swayed in and out of sight while Abednego could be heard following behind. Passing through the dense hanging braches would have scared Tamar a little because she couldn’t see far but her trust in these Clarities put her at ease, no matter how far she was from home. Plus, she daren’t let adventure escape her after all her longing for it. As the opening finally appeared Tamar was stunned by this little world inside another. It was simple but wonderful. The circular space was sheltered by woven willow branches. It looked as though they had grown that way naturally, arching up in a canopy over them. And blooming from it thousands of little white flowers glowed. Something shifted ahead of them and suddenly Tamar realised they were not alone. She was so taken by the ceiling she’d forgotten the reason they’d come here. Nell stood there in the centre by a wrinkled old book on a twisted willow stand. Her hair roughly thrown up and her hem damp with the morning dew.

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