Daughter of Odin (Thor/Barnes x reader)

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"Well that should come in real handy," Sam nodded with a wide grin. "I can't remember the last time we went more than three days without someone getting beat up around here."

"(Y/N) is here only until the imminent threat has passed and our father can call for her safe return." Thor's focus shifted for a brief moment to Bucky, who had yet to step back or take his eyes off you. "The focus on Asgard is for a swift resolution, and that her stay here does not have inconvenience for anyone."

"How long do we think that might be?" Bucky asked quietly.

Thor stepped forward and positioned himself in front of you and blocked from Bucky's sight, taking a protective stance that challenged his teammate to push him further. "Why is that of concern?" he snapped. "There is no reason for her to remain once our home is safe. Do you have any quarrel with this?"

Bucky took a step back, bumping awkwardly into Steve, not realizing that his friend had positioned himself behind him when Thor's stance became defensive. With a quick shake of his head, Bucky waved the fumble off and retreated towards the elevator bays without so much as another word; he appeared to be flustered and completely out of character.

"That was incredibly rude, brother. I believe that you owe him an apology."

"I owe him nothing, (Y/N)," Thor shrugged, spinning Mjolnir anxiously in his hand and turning back to you. "He will know that his interest is neither reciprocated nor tolerated."

"That's wonderful," you smiled curtly, your voice laden with sarcasm, "I'm so relieved to hear of your disinterest. It leaves me free to pursue mine." You stepped past him and towards the elevators that Bucky had used, leaving the group staring at your brother with quiet chuckles and smirks across their faces.

"Call it a hunch, but I'm gonna guess that she's the favorite?" Tony laughed, standing to take his leave of the group now that you had arrived safely.

"Why would you assume that?"

"Because I've never seen you give up so easily. That means either you're scared of her," Tony paused when Thor scoffed in return, "or, you're afraid that she'd run to daddy and tattle on big brother Thor for being such a meanie to her new boyfriend."


"Mr. Barnes?" you asked gently with a timid knock on his door. When there was no reply you turned and looked down each end of the hall to be certain of your location. "Excuse me, artificial...intelligence...person?"

"My name is FRIDAY."

You jumped at the voice that echoed around you much more authoritatively than you had anticipated, "yes, FRIDAY, um...could you please verify that this is the quarters belonging to Mr. Barnes?"

"I have already advised you of his location."

"And I want to be certain that I'm at the correct door..."

"Does the number on the door correlate to the number that I provided for you?"

"I believe so."

"Are you illiterate?"

You opened your mouth to answer, now fully enraged at the attitude you were receiving, when the door flung open and Bucky appeared with shocked embarrassment in his expression. "FRIDAY, thank you, I can finish here."

"Would you look at that," the A.I. replied, "it's Mr. Barnes right where I said he would be."

"What is that thing's issue?" you snapped. "It's remarkably rude."

"Yeah," he sighed, pulling you into the room and closing the door quickly behind him, "Clint and I have kinda been messing around with FRIDAY's programming to get back at Tony for something. But now we don't know how to change it back."

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