Bidoofy gave the Ampharos a devilish smile. "Oh, yes, everybody! But wait, I ain't remembering all the faces clear no more. Weren't I married to somebody named Helda?"

Ampharos froze in his tracks. "Her name is Angel."

"Angel? Oh my, I hope she's been doing well."

"Uh, actually, uh... You see... Daddy... She passed while you were gone..."

"She is? ... ... ... ANGEL!!!"

Dusk frowned and whispered, "Stop this. Now."

But Bidoofy didn't listen, only attempting to pull the others in this with him. "Ay, Shepherd, you haven't met Dusk, have ya'? Dusk here's my, uh... My personal cleric!"


Dusk clarified, "I am son of Him,
sir Giratina, my lord,
who I serve gayly."

Bidoofy clarified, "He's just there to diversify."

Shepherd lost his smile and replied, "Really? Well, you know best..."

"And this here human's my bodyguard."

"What happened to the Aggron?"

"Aggron- oh, yes, he was... Turned into a Joltick."


"By an ancient magic. And such a tragic death, too. Squashed by a mere Gyrados."

"By Arceus!"

"And to think, it was a mere year ago..."

"For twenty years, and he died just last year... What an exciting adventure you must have had!" Then, as Shepherd walked down the hallway (similar to the one in the other world), Shepherd motioned for the others to follow along and stated, "Come hither! So much has changed since you last left!"

And so Bidoofy followed, along with a reluctant Dusk and Manus. Neither found themselves particularly thrilled at the situation Bidoofy had put himself in, but they followed along anyway. Soon after, when they could've sworn they followed Shepherd down a seemingly normal flight of stairs, the world about them started to blur and the passage below faded into a sudden pink light, obfuscating the walls around them and making everything, save everybody else, intangible and but a blur.

Soon, the four found themselves face-down in the earth, dazed and confused. Shepherd was the first to stand up, although everybody else was soon to rise as well. The yellow one spoke and said, "Hope you didn't take the fall too badly."

"Ugh, where am I?"

Shepherd looked around and asked, "Uh, who said that?"


"But you didn't give any information as to who the speaker could be!"

"Well, the readers are just going to have to deal with it, aren't they?"

"I guess so." So Shepherd started leading the group through a large plain, the reaches of which extended to the blurred trees in the distance, which touched the pinkish sky in turn. Shepherd was leading them to what appeared to be a small kingdom, with a fantastically-shaped castle smack-dab in the middle. "See the castle, daddy? Do you remember it?"

"Uh," and, failing his ploy for but a moment, Bidoofy replied, "Not really."

"Well, that's alright. People... People tend to forget when they leave." The Ampharos' countenance lacked the kind of luster it had before, but he was smiling throughout none the less.

"Ah. Well, considering my uneducated guests 'ere," accompanied by a nod to Dusk and Manus, "would you tell 'em about the kingdom and all?"

"Okay!" Shepherd regained his insouciant aura, starting with, "Well, I'm not sure a lot of ghosts have been here, and certainly not a lot of humans, either; So are you two new here?"

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