"There's nothing much in there. Seriously," said Devon.

"I believe you know the password for the lock. So I'm waiting for you to lift the shutters," I said sternly.

Finally, the shutters of the garage were lifted. Devon pressed a switch on the barren stone wall and a small light bulb flickered to life dimly illuminating the dark interiors of the garage. I adjusted my vision in the pale yellow light and was left numb with shock by what I was seeing....

"What is your car doing in Mr. Miller's garage?? Why aren't you using your own bigger garage?" I spluttered in confusion.

It was then I realized it was not only his car. There was a sleeping bag on the rough and cold stone floor, next to his car. Then empty bottles, cans and paper plates piled up in one corner. In another corner, there was a bag containing his clothes, then there was a broom....

In a flash, everything was clear to me.

"You have been living in this suffocating and cramped garage since god knows how long," I gulped.

Devon didn't say anything. He just stood there glancing sideways with an emotionless face.

Sensing that my assumption was true, I felt a surge of pain rise from the depths of my chest. Devon had left his house and had been living in this garage with his car and I didn't have the slightest clue about anything. I felt like....I didn't know what I felt. It was similar to a nasty disease that had got into my body and I wished it left me soon.

I didn't have any right to be mad at him that he hid such a huge thing about his life from me. Maybe, I only had the right to feel hurt....

"Why, Devon?" I asked in anxiety.

"I didn't feel like using my garage for my car," he responded matter-of-factly. "And this place feels so much better that that house I used to live in. As simple as that," he added in the same tone.

I still wasn't able to digest the reality. It was sucking all the strength off my bones. I didn't have it in me to deal with Devon.

"I-I don't understand why you're doing all this. What's going on with you and---wait!" I stopped suddenly as something else hit me.

"How did you even convince Mr. Miller to lend you his garage?" I asked slowly. Mr. Miller was again one of those people who strongly disapproved of Devon.

The glint that passed through Devon's dark orbs gave me the chills. Dealing with Devon was indeed so dangerous sometimes. You just didn't know how his mind worked....

"What did you do, Devon?" I asked suspiciously, my voice carrying a sharp edge.

"Nothing much..." he shrugged, leaning casually against the wall. "I just told him that if he doesn't lend me his garage, I'd spill the thing he has been hiding since quite sometime now."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes further at him.

"I don't know," he shrugged again. "I only pretended like I knew something about him and, well, considering the recent events, he didn't think it wise to refuse me. So there you go."

I went pale in the face hearing that. "I can't fucking believe you, Devon!" I spat, clenching my fists tight. "If you going behind bars thrice wasn't disturbing enough, you go about taking undue advantage of it and terrorize people? You think it's pretty cool to do so? Disgusting!" I was appalled. "You know what, I'm done. I'm leaving."


Devon rushed forward and blocked my path. "You're not leaving me, Eleanor!" his eyes flashed the darkest shade of blue.

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