Shut up, James!

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James shouted a lot when he died. First, Sirius was imprisoned wrongly. Then he watched Verdon and Petunia abuse Harry, including missing his birthday and letting Ripper chase him up trees. In Harry's first year at Hogwarts, he nearly died many times - falling off his broom, attacked by a three-headed and Lord Voldemort. Then Harry nearly didn't reach Hogwarts and Hermione -who was a great friend of Harry's - was petrified after Harry had been accused of being the heir of Slytherin. Celebrating too loudly when Sirius escaped caused Lily to punch him. Celebrating too loudly when Harry won the Quidditch Cup caused Lily to punch him. Harry getting put in the Tournament caused, first, anger and, then, shouts of joy as he was winning. He made more noise than ever before when he saw Sirius in the afterlife, now there were too voices. They argued Dumbledore wasn't protecting Harry properly, they tried to kill Snape. They cheered along as Harry went on his quest to find the Horcruxes, they screamed tears of joy when Harry killed Voldemort. But they shouted the loudest when Harry Potter named his son Albus Severus Potter... Lily, Snape and Remus walked off to have their ears checked.

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