Winning a Battle, Losing a War

Start from the beginning

"Ma'am, you were in a car accident." He reminded me for the twelfth time in the past twenty minutes, ever since he and a few other paramedics had pulled me out of my car. It had taken them twenty minutes to get me loaded and to the hospital, after spending nearly thirty minutes prior trying to get me out with another car crashed into my passenger's side and a dozen bikers injured on my driver's side from where they had crashed into my and each other. 

"I'm a doctor, I think I can tell that I'm fine, my injuries are just superficial." I told him as I heard the chaos of the ER, though I couldn't see from where I'd been strapped down onto my stretcher, also forced to wear a neck brace. "I need to be up, helping like everyone else."

"Watley?" I recognized the surprised voice of Bailey instantly as her face appeared over me. 

"Dr. Bailey, please tell this idiot that I'm fine." I pleaded.

"Trauma room five is open." She told the paramedic as she had him wheel me down the hall and into the said trauma room. "What do we got?"

"Twenty-five year old female in a car accident." The paramedic began to inform her as they, along with some nurses, transferred me from the stretcher onto a hospital bed. "Laceration to the head from where she hit it against the steering wheel as we all as an apparent broken wrist. Possible internal injuries as well."

"Did you lose consciousness?" Bailey asked me.

"No." I insisted.

"When we first arrived on the scene she wasn't conscious." I heard the paramedic tell her.

"Liar!" I accused him. "I never lost consciousness Dr. Bailey. I just need sewed up and then I'll be fine to join the others and help."

"I don't think so Watley." She disagreed before turning to one of the nurses. "Page Neuro for a consult, then I want her taken for an x-ray and MRI. Make sure there's nothing going on inside."

"Dr. Bailey." I groaned as she continued to look over me after the paramedic left us. "I'm fine."

"Keep still and be quiet." She rolled her eyes at me.

"You paged for a consult?" I heard Derek's voice before I saw him. "Bethany?"

"She was in a car accident, thanks to the Dead Baby bike race." Bailey informed him.

"That thing has a name?" I frowned.

"Paramedic said that she likely hit her head on impact and that she was unconscious when they found her." Bailey told him.

"Which I wasn't." I denied. "I would remember if I'd passed out and I didn't. That medic's just a dumbass."

"Bethany, can you feel this?" Derek asked me.

"Feel what?" I frowned as I tried to look at whatever he was doing, but couldn't because of my head being strapped down. 

"Take her to CT." Derek told Bailey. 


"Bethany, we need to talk." Derek told me when he joined me in the hospital room that I had been placed in after having been through CT and MRI scans, as well as x-rays. Behind him I saw Meredith, a frown on her face. 

"Unless you're here to tell me that I'm free to take this neck brace off and go get changed so I can get down to the ER to help, I don't want to hear it." I warned him.

"Bethany, it appears as though you have an injury to your spinal cord that's led to symptoms identical to those of a brachial plexus injury." He informed me, causing me to frown instantly. "Your C-six vertebrae was damaged in the accident, causing some splintering of you bone."

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