2 years old

987 24 4

"Noah put that down! Aidan where are you?" Just as I turn the corner I hear a big crash in the living room. 

I sigh and run into the room. I see a vase broke on the floor with Aidan standing beside it. 

He looks up and says,"I didn't do it mommy." 

I say,"Then who did?" 

He says,"I dunno. Maybe daddy." 

I try not to smile as I say,"Daddy's not here." 

He says,"But how did it break den?" 

I laugh and say,"You know how. Go play with Noah in your room while I clean this up." 

He says,"Otay mommy," then runs out of the room. 

I can't stay mad at them for more than a few minutes. They're both just so sweet and silly.  I can't believe that they turned a  2 years old a month ago.  I sigh and go grab the broom.  I hurry and clean up the mess then decide to check on the boys.  I walk up the stairs and into their room.  I see that Noah is playing with cars and Aidan is coloring. 

Noah looks up and smiles at me,"Hey mommy."

I smile back and say,"Hey what are you doing?"

He says,"Playin' cars."

I say,"Can I play?"

He looks at me like I just killed someone and says,"Cars are for boys and you a girl. Duh." 

I laugh and say,"I forgot."

He says,"I told you yesterday, member?" 

I say,"I know."

He just nods and starts playing again. 

I look at Aidan and say,"What are you coloring?"

He says,"Big bird. Wanna see?" 

I say,"Of course."

He hold up a blue Big bird and says,"He is blue not yellow."

I say,"Ah I see." 

He smiles and says,"Where's daddy?"

I say,"Work."

He frowns and says,"When he coming home?"

I say,"Anytime now. You guys hungry?" 

Noah basically screams,"Yes!" 

Aidan says,"I want McDonald's

." Noah says,"Yes! I want nuggets."

Aidan says,"I want toy."

They both smile at me and say,"Pwease mommy."

I say,"Yeah let's get ready." 

They're still in their pjs because it's Saturday and we always have a lazy day today. They both smile.

I say,"Im going to get dressed then I'll come help you too. Okay?"

They both say,"Okay!"

I walked out of their room and into mine. I go to the closet and grab a pair of black leggings and Josh's blue Just Be You shirt. I walk into the bathroom and put them on then pulled my hair up in a bun. Make up or no make up? Eh no make up. 

I walk back into the boys room and Noah jumps up and says,"Go now?"

I say,"You have to change too." 

I walk to their closet and pick out a green shirt that has a dinosaur on it and a pair of jeans for Noah and a black shirt with a dinosaur on it and a pair of jeans for Aidan.

I help them put their clothes and shoes on and say,"You guys ready?"

They both scream,"Yes!"

I laugh and say,"Come on." 

They race down the stairs and to the front door. 

Noah says,"Come on. Hurry."

I slide on my shoes and grab my phone and keys then we head out the door.  I help them in their booster seats and buckle them up. I get in and start backing out when my phone rings.

I answer it,"Hello."

Josh says,"Hey baby."

I say,"What are you doing?"

He says,"Getting ready to leave work."

I say,"Im actually going to get the boys something to eat. Want to meet us there?"

He says,"Can you get it to go?"

I say,"I could. Why?"

He says,"We need to talk."

I say,"Okay. I'll go through the drive in. What do you want from McDonalds?"

He say,"A Big Mac."

I say,"Okay. I'll talk to you when I get home."

He says,"Okay love you bye."

I say,"love you too," then hang up. I wonder what he needs to talk about. I sigh and start driving toward McDonalds.

I pull back into the drive way to see that Josh is here. I grab the food bag then help the boys out of the car. They race inside and I hear them talking to Josh. I smile as I walk into the living room. 

I say,"Come get your happy meals boys."

They run to me and grab them then sit down in front of the tv. Josh turns it on cartoons then walks to me.

I hand him his food and he says,"Can we talk now?"

I say,"Yes."

He says,"Lets go in the kitchen."

I nod then follow him. He sits down at the table and I take a seat across him.

We both start eating and after a few minutes he says,"So you know we've been engaged for about 2 years now?"

I say,"Yes."

He says,"I don't think I can wait any longer."

I say,"What do you mean?"

He says,"I want to get married as soon as possible. I want you to officially be Mrs. Hutcherson."

I smile and say,"So when?"

He says,"We should talk with my mom and your mom about it then pick out a date."

I say,"How soon do you want to?"

He says,"A few months." 

I say,"Do we have the money?"

He says,"Of course we do. Don't worry."

I say,"Okay I won't. I can't wait to be your wife."

He says,"And I can't wait to be your husband."

I lean across the table and kiss him. He smiles and kisses back. In just a few months I'm going to be Mrs. Hutcherson. I couldn't be happier.

Have any of you guys read To Kill a Mockingbird? We start reading it in English tomorrow. I hope it's good. Also have any of you read The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod? I've read them once before and I started reading them again Friday. I'm on the last one now. I honestly love them. Anyway tell me what you think!

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Edited 12-6-23

Story line is the same. I edited so it's easier to read.

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