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Alice just parked the car and I was about to get out but she stopped me by saying,"Are you going to Josh's today?"

I say," Yes."

She says,"Well do you need a ride to my house to get your car or is he going to pick you up?"

I say,"I don't know. I'll text him and then I'll let you know."

She smiles and says,"Okay," then gets out of the car.

I get out and follow her inside. We stop at my locker and she says," I'll see you at lunch."

I say,"Okay. See you then."

She smiles and walks away. I open my locker and grab my math book then make my way to class. I enjoy this class most the time but I know today will drag on forever because I'm actually doing something after school. I walk through the door and take my seat. I look around and see that there's only a few other people in the room. The teacher isn't in here yet so I decide to text Josh.

Me; Hey what's the plan for after school?

Josh; I have a meeting at 3 until 6 so can you ride to Avan's and I'll pick you up there?

Me; Yes.

Josh; Okay well I'm dropping Connor off now. I'll text you later

Me; Okay bye (:

Josh; Bye beautiful (:

I wonder if Josh knows that Connor goes to my school. I guess I could tell him tonight but I have a good feeling its going to a great night. That doesn't mean that I'm not extremely nervous. I look up to see if anyone else has came in and a lot of people have actually. There's only one seat left and that's beside me. Hopefully it's someone I actually like.

I start to pull out my phone to text Alice but Mrs.Dotson walks in as soon as the bell rings. She starts to take row but is interrupted by the door opening. I look up and see Connor walking in.

He says,"I'm so sorry I'm late. My brothers alarm didn't go off and I stayed with him last night."

She says,"It better not happen again."

He says,"Yes ma'm," and takes the seat beside mine.

I know that he just lied because Josh was with me last night but I'm not going to say anything. Mrs.Dotson continues calling the row then tell us to do a page in our book. I open to the page and start working.

I'm half my done when folded piece of paper lands on my desk.

It says;

   Meet me at your locker after next class. I need to talk to you.


That's weird. I look over at him but he's busy working. I just shake my head and start working again.


I think those two classes were longest they've ever been. I get to my locker, throw my books in and close it. Now I have wait for Connor. He better hurry because I'm starving. I look down the hall and see him basically jogging towards me.

He finally gets to me and says," I know about you and my brother."

I say,"What about us?"

He says,"Well I know that you're spending the night with him."

I say,"Yeah so?"

He says,"Just be careful Alex."

I say,"Yeah,yeah. I will. Is that all you need?"

He sighs and says,"I guess so."

I say,"Okay bye."

He shakes his head and walks away. I hurry to the lunch room, thankfully the line isn't very long.

I get a sandwich and a water then make my way to my normal seat. Like always Alice is there.

I sit down and she says,"So did you talk to Josh?"

I say,"Yes. He said that he had a meeting from 3 to 6. Can I come home with you until then?"

She says,"Of course. You shouldn't even have to ask."

I say,"I know but just making sure."

She says,"Does your mom know?"

I say,"I'll just tell her I'm staying with you again."

She says,"That's fine with me. What are you guys going to do?"

I say,"I have no idea."

She smiles and says,"Well after him seeing you naked this morning you never know what will happen."

I laugh and say,"I don't think anything like that will happen."

She says,"You never know."

I say,"Yeah I know."

The rest of lunch we just talked about normal stuff and of course the time flew by. Alice walked me to my locker and told me to meet her at her car after 4th block.
I'm slowly making my way to 3rd block now. I really hate computer class. It's boring and my teacher is a dick. Luckily I always finish early and he lets us get out our phones when we're done. I walk in the room and take my seat. I see that he put the assignment on the board so I go ahead and start it.

Finally school is over and I get to leave. I go to my locker and throw my history book in there then make my way to Alice's car. When I get there she's already in it texting someone.

I get in and say,"That was the longest day ever."

She laughs and says,"Tell me about it."

I say,"Im just glad it's over."

She says,"Me too," then pulls out of parking lot and starts driving home.

I hope you liked it! Tell me what you think.

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Edited 12-6-23
Story line is the same, I edited to make it easier to read.

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