C H A P T E R - S E V E N

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C H A P T E R - S E V E N

Song- Baatein Kuch Ankahee,
A Life In A Metro.


Sometimes having a crush is all about having faith.
However, not all of us are brave enough to tell someone how we really feel about them. So, in that case it's important that you keep on hoping and don't get yourself down just because you don't seem to be making any headway.
They will come to you eventually if they are worth it.



If someone would have told me few days back that the only guy I have ever liked in my fifteen years of life likes me back, I would have called them crazy.


Because I knew that was never going to happen.

It was not supposed to happen.

So, when Amaan himself told me that he likes me, I have no idea how to take it. How to digest it.

There has to be a catch in it. There's always a catch when the only thing someone so desperately wanted was being served to them on silver plate.

"What day it is?" I said at last, trying to take hold of my inner torment. "Definitely not 1st April, right? So you can stop fooling me. This is not funny Amaan", I anything but shouted at him.

In no way I'm going to believe him.

I know he's lying. He has to be.

Of all the people why would he like "me"?

I know that can never happen.

I mean, just look at him. The perfect, most beautiful creature made by God himself. He's smart. He's intelligent. He's popular. And most importantly, he's rich.

And me on the other hand- I'm nothing. I'm not attractive, I don't have a beautiful skinny body, or perfect black straight hair. I'm not popular around boys like other girls are. And I'm not rich. I'm in this elite school just because my father is in Indian navy. So yes, pardon me if I don't believe him.

"You think... you think I'm fooling you? You think this is all a joke? Guess what Kavya Thakur, it's not funny for me either", Amaan too yelled at top of me, almost making me flinched because of his angry tone. And he pulled me even closer to him. "Look at me. Does it looks like I'm joking?", he made me look straight into his eyes. And once again I saw something different in those blue eyes. The white of his eyes were becoming red, so was his ears and neck.

He's definitely angry.

No Kavya, don't be afraid. Don't be a coward. You have to face him. You can't make a fool of yourself in front of him just because you like him.

"Exactly what do you expect me to think, huh?", I too snapped in the same tone of his, and at the same time I again tried to free my arm from his grip. "Tell me one thing, before this stupid dance happened, before I became your "partner", did you even knew that I exist? That I was in same class as yours. Did you even knew my name? I'm guessing for no. So, now, all of a sudden, you are trying to get close to me. Trying to act like you want to help me with the dance like you are the most generous guy on the earth, and you think that I'll buy it? And you think I'll believe you when the guy who never gave a damn about any of his classmates before suddenly told me that he likes me and I'll happily fell for it? Guess what, I'm that stupid as you think I am Amaan... Let go of me", I desperately tried to free my arm from his hold as I look straight into his eyes, trying to act as indifferent as I can. He didn't say anything in reply to my outburst, but he didn't leave my hand either. He just keep looking back at me with his strange distant look.

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