C H A P T E R - T H R E E

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C H A P T E R - T H R E E

For some of us it's pretty obvious our crush likes us back. I mean, he's staring after all! That's a good sight, right? Well, yeah, but if we can't find the courage to look back at him then it might as well be for nothing.



Three months later...

"Welcome... to Senior Year", Aliya exclaimed as we walked hand in hand through our new classroom doors to keep our bags before we go for assembly, both squealing excitedly.

10th A.

Exams were done. And fortunately I was the third topper of my class. Second, Aliya. It has always been Dhruv or Aliya who used to be second and third toppers of our section, or vice versa. And me, either fourth or fifth. But this time it was Aliya and me who scored more than other toppers of our class, making Dhruv the fourth topper.

I should tell you this, never underestimate Aliya when it comes to her bookish knowledge. Specially in social science and hindi subject. And because of which she always manages to grab either second or third position.

And, the topper? I think it's no rocket science. Who else other than him?


I have no idea how he always manages to get that top rank. Every single time.

His total score was 579/600, in compare to our 536/600 and 520/600 scores, respectively.

Whenever his name was announced in assembly hall for collecting his medal for scoring the top rank, I can see a charming smile spreading across his face. But there's always a big smile on my face, bigger than his.

I don't know why, but I feel so proud whenever our principal announces his name, and everytime he made him wear that gold plated medal. I feel like it was me who was receiving that golden medal, not him.

When princi was done making Amaan wear his medal, he call Aliya for her silver medal, and then me for bronze.

After we all took our respective report cards and medals, we were asked to stand in front of all the students who were clapping for us in the auditorium, for the school photographer to take our pictures. Amaan in middle, me on his left and Aliya on his right.

Shiver rush down my spine. I was standing so close to him, our arms almost brushing against each other. I can feel butterflies dancing inside my stomach because of that light touch. Because of the feeling of being this close to him.

It feels too good to be standing by his side.

I have this huge smile pasted on my face. My cheek hurting from smiling for this long. But just when I thought nothing can get better than this, I heard a voice.

His voice to be precise.

"Congratulations", he has said. His head slightly tilted towards my side, close to my ears. His voice low and gentle.

I blinked few times to come out of my la la land, and to confirm if I had heard him. Or was I just hallucinating? But when I too tilted my head to his side, to look at him from the corner of my eyes, he was still giving me that cute charming smile with that dimple on display, confirming my doubt.

He actually had congratulated me.

"Thanks", I mumbled shyly. My head bent down this time, trying to hide my warming cheeks, "emmm... Congratulations to you too", I added with a nervous smile. My head still bent down. I don't think I have this much strength to look straight into those deep ocean eyes, and that too from this close.

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