"What are we gonna do with the gun deal, Harry? They were supposed to come at around 3," Marty said exasperatedly. "You know if I don't-"

"You'll be fine, fûcking relax, I'm taking you with me and I'll call them to reschedule the deal. Fûck. I bet it was D wasn't it. That fûcker."

I listened closely, but my eyes were trapped on that big gun in his pocket. If I got a hold of it I could end them all in less than 3 seconds. Harry wasn't stupid though, I knew that clearly right now, and when he saw where my eyes were, he took the gun into his hands and into his other pocket. I looked away when I saw his jaw clench.

Harry's phone let out a small beep, and Harry took a peek at it. "They're here, let's go." He announced, and the guards opened up the small door.

The guard went out first, and we could all hear the rumble of the helicopter above us. Marty went next. Followed by Harry, who gave me a hand in coming out.

But what I saw next stopped me dead on my track. The men from before where everywhere. Completely around us and the helicopter. Right next to Harry, who's hand was holding mine, stood a man, with his gun pointed directly at Harry's neck, one strand of blond hair covered his eye; but I could tell they were blue. "You really thought you would get away with this, did you?" The man smiled, everyone was frozen.

And then he looked at me. "So you got a little girlfriend, huh, Styles? I think she'd enjoy watching you die, wouldn't you cherry?"

Harry's hand clenched around mine and I looked into his eyes. He wasn't afraid at all, he was angry.

And my eyes fell to Marty, who was also trapped between to men, but his eyes were on one thing only; Harry's gun.

And it all happened fast, again, and my hand came in contact with Harry's gun and I was lit up. The fire within me ignited again, and the bullet went straight through the Blond's forehead.

And the shots began, again,

I managed to shoot up everyone in our path as we ran towards the helicopter, shooting off the guy who had his gun pointed at the pilot first.

Marty, Harry, and the guards went in first, I was the only one shooting everyone off, and when I began to climb into the elevator, I felt the first bullet go through my leg. And then another. I whimpered in pain but I was already in, and we were high in the air.

"Fück!" Harry cussed immediately, helping me situate myself on the floor of the plane.

"Was she hurt?" Marty asked from the back seat, as he and the others peered around to see my wound.

"Do you have a first aid kit?" I asked, my hands, along with Harry's trying to cover up both my wounds.

"No we don't," Paul replied, he was copiloting the helicopter.

"Paul, we need to go home quick or she'll bleed out. The bullets are still in there." Harry said in a rush, and I was surprised at how worried he looked.

The pain was horrible but it was bearable. This wasn't the first time I had been shot, and the others have been at worse places too. "Do you guys have any scissors?" I asked suddenly, and Harry's eyes turned in confusion.

"Scissors?" Marty asked, and I nodded. Paul shuffled around before passing me a pair of paper cutting scissors.

Harry stared in my in confusion as I spit onto the blades, before wiping it off on myself and yanking lifting my skirt up to my waist. I didn't care if they saw my underwear, the bullets were still digging into my skin.

The wounds were right next to each other, both surrounded by an enormous amount of blood that kept goosing out of the holes.

"Katerina what the hell are you doing?" Harry shouted in horror as I dug the blade into my skin, whimpering in pain as they went deep into my thigh.

They all watched, silently now, completely shocked and surprise as I looked for the bullet, and when the tip touched it, I opened the scissor.

I let out a small cry of pain. This wasn't my worst but it was hurting so much now.

Harry got a hold of my wrist and stopped me "Stop stop stop. You're only making it worst."

I pushed his hand away with my other hand, "I know what I'm doing."

When the two blades of the scissors caught a hold of the bullet, I yanked it out in one swiftly. It made the wound bigger but the scissors had successfully taken out the bullet, which surprisingly hadn't broken up into little pieces.

"What the hell." Marty said, eyes wide.

Harry smiled, still surprised, "you never cease to amaze me."

I shook my head at them and pressed my hand against the wound to stop the bleeding, before I moved on to the next.

"People have to learn to survive on their own." I murmured, and Harry's gaze looked for my eyes, but I had already started picking on the other wound.


We arrived less than twenty minutes back to Harry's, but there were more guards outside, ready for us. I had gotten pretty dizzy from all the blood I lost but I was still sort of awake.

Harry was sitting on the floor, behind me, I sat between his legs, my whole body pressed against his torso. Both Harry's and my hands were covering the wound which stopped slightly. There was only a little bit of blood coming out now.

"We're here" He whispered in my ear when we arrived, and I nodded, slightly more dizzy now.

"Paul help her, I think she's going to pass out," he said in a rush, and I heard the door open before I was passed to Paul's arms. He held me in bridal style, and Harry's hand grasped on to mine.

I felt us move, but my eyes are closed, I could hear Harry speaking but at the same time I couldn't.

At one point, I felt Harry's hand abandon mine and I opened my eyes.

We were inside.

And there was a girl in front of the stairs, her face was blurry and all I could see was her long blonde hair.

Harry was still next to me, but she moved quick,

I only heard one thing leave his lips after that, before she was in his arms and hers covered his.


Suddenly my wound didn't hurt so much.

And Paul's arms held me tight as I lost my grasp on reality.


Nothing much to say,

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Delilah xo

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