Chapter 25

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I woke up to an annoying sound. When I opened my eyes I realized it was my alarm clock. Six in the morning? That can't be true. We just got back from the party. Toby is talking to my daddy. I jump out of bed. I fell asleep! No one woke me up?! Why? I must get to the bottoms of this. I quickly find some skinny jeans and a shirt to throw on. I brush my teeth and do everything in my morning ritual super fast. I rundown stairs but no one is there. No parents no servants. Breakfast is on the table. Cinnamon buns with oranges. I gobble it all up. I guess the only thing to do is to meet up with Toby at school.

Toby didn't show up for school. I also called and texted his phone like crazy but no replies. Now I'm starting to get worried. What if he crashed last night going home! I drove the way to his house he would've taken. Nothing. I run up the three steps to his house and knock oh the door.

"Toby?! Are you there? What happened last night? Tooobbbyyyy!!!" He might be at work. So I drive to the mall. I walk into the FYE and see he's not working there.

"Toby isn't here Aurora. It's his day off. He actually is on vacation for a bit. Sorry." Andrew, one of his work mates said. Over the past few months I've come to know all of his friends and employees. What was strange was Andrew wouldn't make eye contact when he told me that. I briskly walked out of the mall and to the auto shop that was near by.

"Toby isn't here. He quit a while ago when we told him he couldn't have any time off. I don't know what's going on with that boy. He was one of the best under the table workers. I was going to give him a partnership after he went to auto school." "Thank you," was all I could reply. This isn't like Toby. Now I have to talk to my daddy.

I'm parked in front of his building. I'm fighting the tears and the nauseated feeling. I have to know what's going on. I slowly walk inside. When I reached his floor no one hardly was around. I knock on his door and there was no reply.

"Your father is in a meeting." His secretary Julie came out of no where and caused me to jump. "I'm just going to wait inside his office then. When he gets out tell him I'm waiting for him and that its important." "Yes Miss." Then she walks away.

The whole time I'm texting Toby asking why he quit one job and where he is going on vacation. I was blowing his phone up with questions and finally I got a text from him. Saying this number has either been cut off or blocked. Great just great he blocked me! I feeling this is all daddy's fault. Me and Toby were fine before he came back. I mean we had the occasional fights but nothing that would lead him to this. Unless Toby left because he fucked me and that was it. What if he was just using me and got what he wanted? I started to cry.

It was a few hours and I cried my eyes dry. Luckily that happened because daddy walked into his office.

"Aurora? What's wrong, Julie said it was an emergency."

"Why didn't anyone wake me up last night? What was said between you and Toby? Where is he now?!" I continue asking questions and throwing them at him. I'm sure I even asked the same ones a few times. Then he cleared his throat.

"Aurora sit down. Your not going to like what I'm going to tell you. At first he seemed like a nice young man. I approved of him. Until he told me about him. About how he's poor but smart. About his future and goals. Then he told me he wanted to marry you. Ha! My daughter deserves much better. I may never meet anyone close to the standards I have of marrying you but I know there is better then him. So I told him to leave. I told him to take his mother and get out of here. I told him to never talk to you again. I told him to forget you. He said no. I offered him money, he didn't take it. Then I went to his house and met up with his lovely mother and I told her to take him and leave and to not let him have anything to do with you. When someone is poor with addictions they will listen and do what they are told for a check. He even told me he proposed to you. Without my permission! No he's trash. He's nothing just a waste of space. You'll find better and do better. I'm doing this for your own good. I don't want something to happen and have to live like common people because of him. I did you a favor. I saved you."

I cannot believe I just heard all of that. I'm proud of Toby for not giving in. I hate his mother for being so weak. I hate my daddy too. "How could you? We made plans! We were going to go to college together. He's going to be a something. Your making a mistake and controlling my life. Why don't you work on your marriage before you come into my life. He loves me and I love him. You ruined everything! You ruined my relationship and you've ruined ours too! I hate you I never want to see or talk to you again!" I just said I loved Toby! I have the butterflies in tummy feeling when I admitted it. Yes I guess I do love him. That's why it hurts so much. I feel like I can die from all this pain. I ran out of his office and I let the tears fall again. I sat in my car just crying until I was able to drive again.

I drove home and went straight to my room. I grabbed my pillows and just got into fetal position and cried. I cried for the rest of the day. I cried myself to sleep.


I know this chapter is short. I'll make it up to you in the next one. How do you feel about everything and what do you thing is going to happen?

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