Chapter 18

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It was the day of the Halloween party. Stuff was being dropped off and set up. My mom had to have one of her meetings again to discuss me. It's been how man weeks now and they still don't know. I lost track of when the meeting was. There was actors getting their costumes and makeup on in bathrooms and bedrooms. Stage crew was setting up each and every room except for the few that will be off limits with locked doors. I had my costume custom made and a make up artist with the college said she'd be happy to do mine and my hair. Almost everything was ready to go. Just the outside needed to be done last minute before it got too dark. The chef was busy making drinks and foods that were Halloween appropriate yet teenager approved.

It was almost time. Here I was standing in white stripper heels. My skirt just long enough to cover what was needed. I wore a white thong underneath. My top was just a bikini top and I had two huge feathery wings on. The makeup artist glittered me up and curled my hair. I look hot. Sasha came over early to get ready. She looked exactly like me but in red and minus the wings. In replace she had thorns and a little tale. She has her hair down and have red lipstick and eyeshadow. She still hasn't said anything about what's been going on. Which is really starting to piss me off.

I have one of the actors answering the door and passing out candy to little kids because let's just face it I don't feel like going back and forth. Toby had some of his friends come which I'm glad because I can't give him all of my attention. He looked like the grim reaper and his friends were all scary looking as well. Toby was just looking at me and breathing heavily. So my outfit was doing it to him. Great! There was dancing, the traditional bobbing for apples, costume contests, and apparently with every room you go into is a task and if your able to complete it then you get a prize. At the end if you survived all of it then you get to go into a drawling for a bigger prize. There isn't any alcohol but apparently someone did the whole BYOB and I already had the announcement if you have to do something illegal take it outside.

Sasha came up to me in the middle of the party, "I'm ready to talk. Can we go somewhere private?" Why couldn't she have done this a few hours ago? We go up the stairs and go into my room. It was one of the ones that were locked off. "My parents are pressuring me and Matt to get married. He said after the baby is born so I don't have to look or feel like a pregnant bride. He wants me to stay here and finish with school. I've missed a lot already. My parents are going to have me go to online school when I'm further along and if anyone asks they adopted a baby. Now they are really pressuring me with college and work saying they aren't going to support me and a baby forever. They are disappointed but at least they aren't disowning me!" Well that's all I wanted to hear. I'll be having my best friend in high school with me again. Not having to worry about Matt when he goes off and her parents are going to be apart of it. We hug and giggle then it's time to go back to the party.

"Everything is okay!" I tell Toby. "I haven't even seen her drink or do drugs tonight either!" "That's good." He didn't sound to enthused with it. He grabbed my hand and took me to the dance floor.

After a while of dancing with him we went thru the haunted house and boy was it scary! I was impressed with the set up and actors. Since I was host I didn't feel right taking prizes so I still didn't know what they were. We also did some of the other activities that were around the house. He did the apple bobbing and I skipped out. Didn't want to get anything wet and who knows how many mouths touched all the apples.

My mom texted me saying she was on her way home and hoping mostly everyone was gone. The party was starting to die out so I said it was over. Matt never showed up for Sasha but he did send someone to pick her up. Then everyone was gone. I looked around and saw the mess that was left. Great. The maids already went home so it looks like I'll be cleaning this mess by myself. "Need some help?" Toby was leaning against the wall just smirking. "You don't have to. You can go home." Then he picks up a trash bag and starts helping. The stage crew were taking down everything and loading it into their cars. Soon it was just me and Toby left. "Well I better be going. I'll see you later." He kissed me and then I walked him out to his bike. "By the way you looked so sexy tonight." He gave me another kiss. This one more passionate and aggressive. Like he was about to take me there and then kind of kiss. Tempting offer but no. He pulls away and then rides off. I go upstairs and change out of my costume. Not even five minutes after that my mom comes home. Jeez it took her awhile for someone who warned me that she was on her way. Then I hear some giggling crime her and whispers. Then I knew she wasn't home alone. So that's what took her so long, she had another accomplishment. Ugh I have like no respect for my mom anymore. She's like whoring herself around.


Short chapter I know. Just wanted this one to be about the party, but mostly to tell you about Sasha.

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