Chapter 15

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We walk inside and it's nothing but crowded rooms filled with drunk and/or high people along with louder then needed music. This is lame and immature. I miss the functions I go with my parents to. In the middle of the living room people are standing on their heads drinking alcohol. In the dining room beer pong. There is some truth or dare going on which seems innocent. Oops they just told a chick to take off all her clothes never mind. In the kitchen there is drinking and more drinking. There are people doing drugs on the back porch. Upstairs well whatever they are doing is making the ceiling down here move around and I doubt it's because they are jumping on the bed.

"Would you like a drink?" Toby hands me a Solo cup. I take a sip. "What the fuck is this?" "Beer. You've never had it before have you?" "No just champagne."

He takes my hand and takes me into the kitchen. There is a "bartender" in charge of the drinks. "My girl here hasn't had anything except for champagne and she doesn't like beer. Give her a little sample of everything till she finds something she likes."

The bartender has a goth look. Dressed in all black with chains all over his pants. He has black dyed hair in dread lock form. Piercings all over and oh my god his eyes are fucking blood red. I screamed and he laughed. "They are contacts." "Oh."

He starts handing me one thing after another in a shot glass but it was less then halfway filled up each time. Just enough for a swallow. Then there was this one drink that he handed me that was in a slushy form. "It's a berry margarita." I found out I do not like alcohol straight up but margaritas are the shit. So I drank the rest of it and asked for another. Toby came back with Sasha. "Aaayyyeeee saaaitttaaann canyougetthis mochagirl sumfin to driiinnnkk." I cannot believe she thinks the bartender is the devil and that she just went all coffee. I just face palm myself. Goth guy comes up to me, "if your so worried about your friend then you haven't drank enough yet. You need to relax. He started to double dose my drinks.

"Oh my god this is my song!" I grab Sasha's hand and we start dancing on the table. Me in heals and a thigh high dress and her in jeans and sneakers. We started to grind on each other and get all sexy. Well this was getting fun." I saw Toby was just leaning against the wall watching us.

We danced on the table for quite a while and when I got off j was more dizzy then I remembered. "Arouraaaa yerrrr sooo funn." "Nooo yeerrr soo fun sassshhaaa." Then she starts to go to the back porch and I follow her. She starts doing who knows what. I just wait for her to be done. I was asked to do weed and who else knows what because I have no clue what drug slang means what. When I went back to the kitchen goth guy wasn't there but some creeper guy was. "I want daaa berryyy slusshhhh." He gives me a smirk and I take it.

Five minutes after taking that drink I felt weird. I looked for Toby but I couldn't find him. "Toobbbyyy wheerrr arrr ewww!" "Behind you." The room started to spin and I was getting tunnel vision. "Fuuuccc meeee." "No." The more I tried to be all sexy and onto him the more he tried to push me off. "Finne I'll go havvv funn!"

I go to the truth or dare area. I just sit there and wait for my turn or whatever and just watch everybody else. Then some guy said he wanted me to dance on a pole since they lived me and Sasha's table dance, and there just happened to be a pole in the room. Well now. I just grabbed it and started to spin and be all amateur.

"Take it off!" Someone yelled. Then one of the girls that came from outside came to me and started to rub me. "You feel soft." And a whole bunch of creepy comments. I went from having fun to not liking this. I don't want some high girl on me and I'm straight. Then she grabbed me and started to kiss me. Everyone backed off to watch the show. What the heck I'm drunk so I go with it. Until I started to have this feeling of not having control. I see the new bartender coming close to me and checking his watch. My eyesight started to go bad. My body started to go numb. I don't know where Sasha or Toby is. "Toobbbb-" I tried to yell and then my world was black.


I promise to make the next chapter longer!

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